多倫多生活討論區 64
我愛老母 2023-4-9 10:15:54


好想儲錢 2023-4-9 10:20:42 呢度d官唔係狗官
我愛老母 2023-4-9 10:28:14
我不是唐紫睿 2023-4-9 10:48:24 350兩架車
鄧依砂 2023-4-9 10:57:48 ching係咪要驗眼, 85 係屋保
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-9 10:58:53
好想儲錢 2023-4-9 11:03:18
我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:08:36
綠帽鹿角 2023-4-9 11:31:20
吾用口罩 2023-4-9 11:32:36 買月票都俾人penalty
CNTower 2023-4-9 11:32:49 if there is a doubt, you have the benefit of the doubt.


我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:32:56
我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:33:37 因為佢肉眼見到我冇拍到就直接出ticket
我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:34:51
綠帽鹿角 2023-4-9 11:43:09
吾用口罩 2023-4-9 11:43:36 又蝦Asian, 啲local 屌下佢哋就放走
我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:46:49
CNTower 2023-4-9 11:50:12 If you did tap and your time is earlier than the ticket. I don't see how you can lose.
CNTower 2023-4-9 11:52:29 just be nice and tell the judge you did tap the card. Also mention tha you have bought "monthly" and there is no benefit for not tapping.
我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:52:55
CNTower 2023-4-9 11:53:21 is the card in your name?


CNTower 2023-4-9 11:55:05 I doubt the fare inspector will show up. You set the apointment time, right?
我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:55:15
CNTower 2023-4-9 11:56:36 fairy cross an iron bridge
You don't want my daughter to represent you. Her fees is very high.
我愛老母 2023-4-9 11:57:04 Yes
但依家所有early resolution 係by phone

我上網另外book咗個in person early resolution
但冇入到我張ticket 資料