多倫多生活討論區 64
綠帽鹿角 2023-4-2 02:41:33 落大雪就話啫


米咪瞇銤 2023-4-2 03:12:15 好撚淆 今日去考celpip

作作下文先發覺審錯題 得返5分鐘改
口試太生活化 本第唔生活化都唔得 生活死仲死
張家漢 2023-4-2 03:28:46 呢到啲關稅都幾甘下,我喺美國eBay買樣40USD嘅嘢竟然要成28CAD嘅關稅
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-2 03:37:44 所以話ielts general 易D,不過又會人話我考5分,你估要EE咩
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-2 03:39:20 其實佢好多時候亂計,唔忿氣可以去CBSA 要求重計
k00kder 2023-4-2 03:57:20
k00kder 2023-4-2 04:00:34
k00kder 2023-4-2 04:01:20
k00kder 2023-4-2 04:10:01
張家漢 2023-4-2 04:19:02
LottoMax得獎者 2023-4-2 04:26:33


奶西飲奶 2023-4-2 04:28:20 揸車嘅最大幸福係隨時出街食嘢
師兄米屈 2023-4-2 04:36:56 宵夜有無介紹
奶西飲奶 2023-4-2 04:39:43 Honey B Hives 尋日十二蚊叫咗塊扒
之前又食咗意粉 填飽個肚一流
長期急屎 2023-4-2 04:44:51 一早都話㗎啦
夏冬 2023-4-2 04:49:15
便衣警(爆缸) 2023-4-2 05:48:56
便衣警(爆缸) 2023-4-2 05:50:35
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-2 05:51:40 買餸返工架咋
32rj8un293n 2023-4-2 06:14:28 咩題目
你係我督屎 2023-4-2 06:49:15 public transit tax credit係咪已經冇左
用緊wealth simple話eliminated


CNTower 2023-4-2 08:12:58 https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-seniors-public-transit-tax-credit
About the tax credit
The Ontario Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit is a refundable tax credit to help seniors with public transit costs.

Who is eligible
To qualify for the credit, you must:

be 65 years old or older on the last day of the previous tax year that you're claiming the credit
live in Ontario by the end of that year
For example, to qualify for the credit when you file your personal Income Tax and Benefit Return in 2023, you must be:

65 years or older on December 31st, 2021
a resident of Ontario on December 31, 2022
If you moved outside of Ontario before December 31, 2022, you wouldn't qualify for the tax credit.

You can claim up to $3,000 in eligible public transit expenses and receive up to $450 each year.

Public transit services
Before you make a claim, check to see if the services qualify.

Services that qualify
Conventional public transit services
You can claim the fare you pay on eligible Ontario or municipally-operated public transit services, including transit services offered by Metrolinx.

The service paid for must also be:

a short-haul service people would commonly use for a return trip in a single day
offered to the general public
operated by a bus, subway, train or tram
This includes public transit services that run from within Ontario to a destination outside Ontario, such as those departing from Windsor to Detroit or Ottawa to Gatineau.

Learn more about public transit services in Ontario.

Specialized public transit services
You can claim expenses for specialized public transit services that are designed to transport people with disabilities. Specialized public transit services must generally meet the same conditions as conventional public transit services.

Services that don't qualify
Long-haul and private-sector services, such as Via Rail and Greyhound, aren't eligible.

Fares and receipts
Save your receipt and proof of payment to submit your claim.

That includes:

Single-ride tickets or tokens. You will need a receipt as proof of payment.
Electronic payment cards (e.g. PRESTO). You don't need a receipt if your electronic payment card provides a usage report and shows your name. If the card doesn't provide a personalized usage report, you will need a receipt as proof of payment.
Cash fare for specialized transit services (to support people with disabilities). You will need a receipt as proof of payment. If you paid with cash, you will need to keep a record that you booked rides on that service and proof of use, such as dated transfers.
Limited- or unlimited-use passes. You don't need a receipt, but keep your passes as proof of payment.
If you need to provide a receipt and it doesn't show your name, you'll need to provide your receipt plus a credit card or bank statement that shows proof of payment.

Cash fare paid in a fare box for a single ride is eligible for the tax credit only if it was used to pay for specialized transit service.

Claim the adult fare if:

your transit service doesn't offer a senior's fare for the ticket, token or pass you purchased
you use an electronic payment card and your transit service does not offer a senior's fare with electronic payment cards
Submit a claim
You can submit a claim when you file your personal Income Tax and Benefit Return.

Save your receipt and proof of payment to claim your eligible public transit expenses.

If you're unable to prepare your tax return yourself, the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program may be able to help you.

The last day to file your personal Income Tax and Benefit Return is April 30 of each year.

Learn more about how to file your tax return.
LottoMax得獎者 2023-4-2 08:45:36
LottoMax得獎者 2023-4-2 08:47:29
電巠損手 2023-4-2 08:47:30 想問大家返咗工之後係唔係要特登請假搞OHIP?

見大部份Service Ontario星期六都唔開,星期六開嗰啲又唔比拎owp嘅人搞OHIP。定係每間個working hour每星期都會update? thx!

利申 拎緊owp