多倫多生活討論區 64
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-6 10:45:11 鬼妹先污糟,其次鬼仔


長期急屎 2023-4-6 10:46:03 如果係靚女我會原諒
連登黎先生 2023-4-6 10:52:50
那日見 2023-4-6 10:54:35
連登黎先生 2023-4-6 10:56:05
連登黎先生 2023-4-6 10:56:50
犬系男友 2023-4-6 11:01:26
犬系男友 2023-4-6 11:02:28
移加ed 2023-4-6 11:10:46 有冇人試過credit profile同人撞左?
布丁仙人 2023-4-6 11:18:28 me
冇credit card用
移加ed 2023-4-6 11:32:05 我credit card開到 但係買唔到車


威廉比呀 2023-4-6 11:50:09 想問大家用咩sim保留香港電話號碼
叫你老母 2023-4-6 11:56:41 Toronto humane society
Ontario SPCA
CNTower 2023-4-6 11:57:59 Was that in an email or verbally only? Statute of Frauds may apply in this case.
Make sure you include an escape clause to allow you to terminate the parking spot rental agreement if your own rental lease is terminated by the landlord.
Melody 2023-4-6 12:01:35 Easter long weekend有咩搞
我真係個外賣仔 2023-4-6 12:04:17
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 12:07:21
CNTower 2023-4-6 12:12:14 your sin # begins with 9?
藍色頸巾 2023-4-6 12:13:03 想問下大家對大公司有咩定義
CNTower 2023-4-6 12:13:08 work
Melody 2023-4-6 12:15:44


小鱷 2023-4-6 12:39:25 多人到你冇返工都唔覺
吾用口罩 2023-4-6 12:39:53 有靚女
卡爾獲加 2023-4-6 13:44:00 下個禮拜有廿幾度
孑然 2023-4-6 13:52:01 係咪可以拎短袖杉褲出黎