多倫多生活討論區 64
親親我好媽 2023-4-6 04:48:30


連登黎先生 2023-4-6 04:49:37
塞極都塞唔入 2023-4-6 04:57:34 真 安省咁大 等天氣好啲 揸粒零鐘車去北邊西邊大把公園行風景睇 到時點震都得 如果我後生啲我都想咁玩
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 04:59:00 你都可以同另一半去,by the way 記得有D po 見過你
米咪瞇銤 2023-4-6 05:04:31
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 05:05:43
米咪瞇銤 2023-4-6 05:06:15
我愛老母 2023-4-6 05:07:22
塞極都塞唔入 2023-4-6 05:12:40 去玩下睇風景就得 結左婚仲邊有咁多情趣

便衣警(爆缸) 2023-4-6 05:14:26
CNTower 2023-4-6 05:17:48 https://moneysmartmanitoba.ca/preservation-risk-management/investor-protection/understanding-day-trading/#:~:text=Can%20you%20day%20trade%20through,CRA%20and%20flagged%20for%20audit.
Can you day trade through your TFSA?

While you can buy, sell, and hold stocks within a TFSA, day trading or overly frequent trading through a TFSA may be considered a business activity by the CRA and flagged for audit. As such, you may then have to pay income tax on your trading activity, defeating the purpose of a TFSA.

When determining whether a TFSA should be subject to tax, the CRA would examine several factors including the duration of the holdings, the frequency of your trades, the quantity of securities traded, the time spent on trading, and your intention to hold investments and resell them for a profit. If the CRA determines your trades are an active business, you may be subject to higher tax rates for business income and not benefit from certain measures of capital gains and losses. Further guidance about transactions in securities can be found in CRA’s interpretation bulletin IT-479R.

If you hold stocks in your TFSA and are concerned that your trading frequency could be considered taxable as a business, you should consult a tax expert or a securities lawyer.


我真係個外賣仔 2023-4-6 05:20:25 好多人min pay生活 俾埋租

elon.musk. 2023-4-6 05:21:52 睇個人啦

能力又唔同 尊嚴又唔同

便衣警(爆缸) 2023-4-6 05:24:29
吾用口罩 2023-4-6 05:25:00
毒得清閒 2023-4-6 05:35:26 無車渣包你唔慣
自導自演的悲劇 2023-4-6 05:47:24 到底係咪都市傳說黎
k00kder 2023-4-6 06:00:49
那日見 2023-4-6 06:04:20
k00kder 2023-4-6 06:10:36
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-6 06:12:55 有專業資格係佢


k00kder 2023-4-6 06:16:05
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-6 06:24:52 想問Richmond Hill, North York, Markham, Scarborough 有冇好食嘅米線
我碌鳩係賓州 2023-4-6 06:35:47 魚湯就鹿園
陳卓賢本人 2023-4-6 06:49:05 大鼓