多倫多生活討論區 64
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 01:30:14 試下活用下LinkedIn


笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 01:31:40 你唔係話有offer 咩?
WoundedHelper 2023-4-6 01:34:43 嗰份regular part time嚟 想搵多份工
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-6 01:48:28 用左好多年LinkedIn
史派克 2023-4-6 01:48:38 啲人會話你成身臭味仲搭巴士地鐵好無公德心
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 01:50:04 IT已經玩完,me 仲 on99 讀IT
Reborn1989 2023-4-6 01:52:34 自己住晒?
口德村村長 2023-4-6 01:54:09 是鳩但啦 喺香港做咩都會俾人話
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-6 01:54:56 我果行都好難搞
Reborn1989 2023-4-6 01:55:04
口德村村長 2023-4-6 01:55:46 大學住hall咁有咩感覺


笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 01:58:05
k00kder 2023-4-6 02:11:55
CNTower 2023-4-6 02:19:49 Canada income tax are based on income from Jan 1 to Dec 31, HK is based on Apr 1 to Mar 31 (am I correct?)

You have to do an estimate on HK income and taxes paid to HK since you entered Canada. You can file you T1 base on that. If you have to make any adjustments afterwards, you can file a T1 adjustments to fix that.

I recommend you see an accountant in personal. Do you have any assets and in HK? Do you have bank accounts or investments (MPF) in HK earing interest income.
CNTower 2023-4-6 02:21:00 Accountants will not show you why or how to do a T1
k00kder 2023-4-6 02:26:47
k00kder 2023-4-6 02:29:52
貝兒 2023-4-6 02:36:39 有無人去咗今日T&T hiring day? 究竟係咪5月18開?
藍色頸巾 2023-4-6 02:43:50 笑都仆街
買車都royal 級
文菁 2023-4-6 02:46:10 英國25日假起跳
k00kder 2023-4-6 02:55:01


k00kder 2023-4-6 02:57:54
helworld 2023-4-6 03:02:37 resort min pay 做餐飲 冇tips 但有staff housing (around 750/month) 住shared house 去唔去馬好?
利申人在香港 遲啲係想做番本行
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-4-6 03:03:39 去banff 定whitehorse ?
奶西飲奶 2023-4-6 03:05:17 T&T見你香港人都唔想請啦