多倫多生活討論區 64
CNTower 2023-4-5 20:04:59 hire an accountant
did you make any tax instalment for HK income?


CNTower 2023-4-5 20:09:15 做車房工作穩定。 喺依度整車前途好過好多白領。
CNTower 2023-4-5 20:09:56 Do you have to pay income tax in 2022?
elon.musk. 2023-4-5 20:13:19
CNTower 2023-4-5 20:52:13 成手烏卒卒-there are special hand cleaner for that.
那日見 2023-4-5 20:53:51 邊間
共產香港 2023-4-5 20:57:43
陳家雄 2023-4-5 21:02:13 Citibank有
Mandy_ 2023-4-5 21:05:54
口德村村長 2023-4-5 21:07:20 上面唔係post咗有咩criteria啦咩
CNTower 2023-4-5 21:07:46 I suggest you put it on your key chain. It worked for me once over 30 years ago. I lost all my keys at the airport and they were mailed to my home within a week.


Mandy_ 2023-4-5 21:10:52
口德村村長 2023-4-5 21:11:40 #300
CNTower 2023-4-5 21:17:53 https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-staycation-tax-credit

Does Airbnb count for Ontario Staycation Tax Credit?
Yes, Airbnb stays of less than a month can count, provided the host is registered for GST/HST and the accommodation fits all the eligibility criteria. The same applies to other popular short-term rental sites like VRBO or Homeaway.
塞極都塞唔入 2023-4-5 21:21:16 識人黎左一年都cover唔到開支 因為一家大細 每個月仲要嘔成千蚊出黎
CapaCitor 2023-4-5 21:38:27 只能講香港太容易
塞極都塞唔入 2023-4-5 21:39:10 希望你refund 到機票
威廉比呀 2023-4-5 21:40:05 點解咁講?
ABC123ABC123 2023-4-5 21:40:47 騎牛揾馬有乜問題
CapaCitor 2023-4-5 21:41:13
長期急屎 2023-4-5 21:42:30 你係老闆你train完條友又走貪過癮?


ABC123ABC123 2023-4-5 21:43:58 打工點解要諗埋老闆果份
長期急屎 2023-4-5 21:46:14 你鍾意做臭香港人個朵我都阻止唔到你
ABC123ABC123 2023-4-5 21:54:59 轉工點解會做臭朵
大麻仍是會開花 2023-4-5 21:59:02 因為要整過境簽證