多倫多生活討論區 64
鄧依砂 2023-4-5 05:10:39


辣椒釀龜頭 2023-4-5 05:11:10 我係呢到睇
七月乳花生 2023-4-5 05:12:06
辣椒釀龜頭 2023-4-5 05:12:09
鄧依砂 2023-4-5 05:15:33 收得有夠埋, 前前後後撳黎撳去 都撳唔返出黎, google 都冇出現
鄧依砂 2023-4-5 05:16:55 屌, 即刻睇下點補交先...
CNTower 2023-4-5 05:18:48 When did you entered Canada?
CNTower 2023-4-5 05:21:35 https://www.airbnb.ca/help/article/2283
Tax collection and remittance by Airbnb in Canada
Country of Canada

Guests who book Airbnb listings that are located in the country of Canada will pay the following taxes as part of their reservation:

Goods and Services Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), and/or Quebec Sales Tax (QST): 5–15% of the listing price including any cleaning fees for stays 30 nights and shorter. If you only host stays for longer than one month, taxes will not be charged on the accommodation. Guest fees are also subject to the 5–15% GST, HST and/or QST. For detailed information, please visit the Government of Canada website.
Airbnb is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency under business number 723689006 RT000100. Guests who need a tax registration number for the purposes of claiming a credit for their reservations (such as the Ontario Staycation Tax Credit) may use this number.
七月乳花生 2023-4-5 05:31:53
加拿大黎生 2023-4-5 05:34:53 你出左結果未
突破追入set止蝕 2023-4-5 05:37:30 35%


k00kder 2023-4-5 05:39:38
k00kder 2023-4-5 05:42:33
k00kder 2023-4-5 05:43:51
k00kder 2023-4-5 05:56:32
貪刀的小狗 2023-4-5 06:04:47
貪刀的小狗 2023-4-5 06:12:55
米咪瞇銤 2023-4-5 06:29:42 星期五前有
CNTower 2023-4-5 06:41:35 Do u have to pay income tax based on the income from Sept to Dec 2022?
When did you open the bank account
and can figure out how much interest you earned from Sept to Dec?
Did bank pay any withholding tax on your interest income?
我碌鳩係賓州 2023-4-5 07:25:30 我覺得自己32%都已經好高,46%點生存
米咪瞇銤 2023-4-5 07:30:01 21%
其實46% 有d似香港普通家庭住劏房咁樣


Chill人 2023-4-5 07:31:28 呢排想領養一隻貓
食不言寢不語 2023-4-5 07:36:57 呢個po係咪冇左,搵唔到既
東倫敦燒味鋪 2023-4-5 07:38:25 49%
夏冬 2023-4-5 07:38:40 Pet smart 時不時有d 貓貓比人領養