多倫多生活討論區 64
善良既市民 2023-4-3 22:27:48 有無眼鏡舖推薦

Clearly / Kits 嗰d睇極唔啱款


自導自演的悲劇 2023-4-3 22:39:27
19999999 2023-4-3 22:41:08 Guest suite 未必租到咁耐喎

我個到租guest suite 都係最多一星期
無能廢柴 2023-4-3 22:50:03 可以係邊度睇到guest suite
口德村村長 2023-4-3 22:54:30 你有冇frd喺哩邊住緊condo
出色地浪費人生 2023-4-3 23:12:03
蕃薯冬瓜茶 2023-4-3 23:19:32
為何誰而活 2023-4-4 00:10:44
CNTower 2023-4-4 00:13:14 Is the property rented out?
為何誰而活 2023-4-4 00:14:14
CNTower 2023-4-4 00:22:53 You or your family?
Will you buy a residential property in Canada?


卡爾獲加 2023-4-4 00:25:29 夜晚好恐怖
為何誰而活 2023-4-4 00:25:51
CNTower 2023-4-4 01:07:28 我每一個問題都係同加拿大稅例有關既。

你現在喺HK。 係咪同屋企人住喺依個物業?
咁個物業仲有無按揭? 如果有,咁邊個供緊呢?
你話會丟空, 咁啲水,電費會唔會顯示到間屋無人住呢?

以上問題會影響你洗唔洗報T1135, 或有無機會用Principal residence exemption 等等。

Foreign Income Verification Statement
General Information
The objectives of this reporting requirement are:

to enhance compliance with tax laws that require reporting of foreign-source income
to increase taxpayers' awareness of these laws
to provide information to the CRA for the purpose of verifying taxpayers' compliance with these laws
to better target international tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance
Who has to report?
Form T1135, Foreign Income Verification Statement, must be filed by:

Canadian resident individuals, corporations, and certain trusts that, at any time during the year, own specified foreign property costing more than $100,000
certain partnerships that hold more than $100,000 of specified foreign property
What property has to be reported?
Specified foreign property is defined in subsection 233.3(1) of the Income Tax Act and includes:

funds or intangible property (patents, copyrights, etc.) situated, deposited or held outside Canada
tangible property situated outside Canada
a share of the capital stock of a non-resident corporation
shares of corporations resident in Canada held outside Canada
an interest in a non-resident trust that was acquired for consideration
an interest in a partnership that holds a specified foreign property unless the partnership is required to file Form T1135
a property that is convertible into, exchangeable for, or confers a right to acquire a property that is specified foreign property
a debt owed by a non-resident, including government and corporate bonds, debentures, mortgages, and notes receivable
an interest in a foreign insurance policy
precious metals, gold certificates, and futures contracts held outside Canada
Specified foreign property does not include:

a property used or held exclusively in carrying on an active business
a share of the capital stock or indebtedness of a foreign affiliate
an interest in a trust described in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of exempt trust in subsection 233.2(1)
a personal-use property as defined in section 54
an interest in, or a right to acquire, any of the above-noted excluded foreign property

Disposing of your principal residence
When you sell your home or when you are considered to have sold it, usually you do not have to pay tax on any gain from the sale because of the principal residence exemption. This is the case if the property was solely your principal residence for every year you owned it.

Reporting the sale of your principal residence
If you sold or if you were considered to have sold your property in 2022 and it was your principal residence, you have to report the sale and designate the property on Schedule 3, Capital Gains (or Losses). In addition, you also have to complete Form T2091(IND), Designation of a Property as a Principal Residence by an Individual (Other Than a Personal Trust). Complete only page 1 of Form T2091(IND) if the property you sold was your principal residence for all the years you owned it, or for all years except one year, being the year in which you replaced your principal residence.
威廉比呀 2023-4-4 01:34:11 啱啱買左飛多倫多機票
中途會日本飛美國先 ,之後再由美國飛加國
想問中途轉機洗唔洗整美國入境visa ?
食不言寢不語 2023-4-4 01:42:55
我想去冰島 2023-4-4 01:46:31 我又要!https://t.me/Edwinlau_0223
師兄米屈 2023-4-4 01:51:07
k00kder 2023-4-4 02:04:19
k00kder 2023-4-4 02:09:30
XDXXD 2023-4-4 02:10:30 Guest suite 要住係果棟condo既住客先可以租


k00kder 2023-4-4 02:11:56
口德村村長 2023-4-4 02:18:32 post paystub睇下
k00kder 2023-4-4 02:19:10
k00kder 2023-4-4 02:22:09