[森內貴寬巴早日康復] 曼聯終極FF轉會新聞暨喜迎油王吹水區 [2206]
夢不拾遺 2023-3-23 01:37:03 充大頭仲仆街


特西 2023-3-23 01:40:57 預復活節個段時間
TenHag 2023-3-23 01:42:01 迪莊最後曾認命 邂逅了疤
但信坦克總會再遇吧 坦想跟佢說別喜歡疤
你跟我 以後抱著油爸
Bruno頭號Fans 2023-3-23 01:46:57 Sky sports話破晒世界任何運動球會記錄
地塞米松 2023-3-23 01:50:20 同格狗講thank you?
Bye and fuck off 格狗
夜子若+ 2023-3-23 01:51:37 占囝係咪要借錢先買到曼聯
WUYAN 2023-3-23 01:53:17 咁樣格狗都唔賣,我諗佢兩條粉皮出街都腳震硬
特西 2023-3-23 01:57:13 Cristiano Ronaldo: “Man Unired exit? When we are at the top of the mountain, we often don’t see what’s below. I went through a bad phase of my career, I have no problems admitting that. But life moves on.”

朗仔知錯了 回家吧
特西 2023-3-23 01:57:43 係美國比華利山驚條毛
夜子若+ 2023-3-23 02:01:50 知道自己回塘, 都出最後一招趕走格拉沙
TenHag 2023-3-23 02:02:52 跪低同坦道歉咪俾佢返嚟囉


零秒出口 2023-3-23 02:04:46 屌 唔係真係蛇占呀….
pashaBiceps 2023-3-23 02:15:28 Cristiano returns on Man Utd exit 😣🔴

Cristiano Ronaldo: “Manchester United? When we are at the top of the mountain, we often don’t see what’s below. I went through a bad phase of my career, I have no problems admitting that. But life moves on”. 🔴 #MUFC

“I understood who are real friends in that difficult moment”.
三分王麥麥送 2023-3-23 02:17:07 我有少少預感,係佢⋯

飯後小睡 2023-3-23 02:21:09 輸咗世界盃之後終於睇化
大家都move on吧
F.阿朗素 2023-3-23 02:21:21 死占狗5B俾你買到又點
飯後小睡 2023-3-23 02:24:53 想話摩根係real friend
7直之遙(桐生会) 2023-3-23 02:24:54 佢冇
夜子若+ 2023-3-23 02:25:40 除左大碌同有祖
三分王麥麥送 2023-3-23 02:25:54 Morgan當佢傻仔咁玩
夜子若+ 2023-3-23 02:27:25 Sir Jim Ratcliffe remains determined to go toe-to-toe with the Qataris for #mufc as a deal looks set to obliterate the world record price for a sports team [Telegraph Football]


7直之遙(桐生会) 2023-3-23 02:27:57 躝啦
夜子若+ 2023-3-23 02:30:17 Contract talks with David de Gea are ongoing. United are keen to agree a deal on a reduced basic wage but including significant bonuses depending on the number of appearances made by him. [Rob Dawson,ESPN] #MUFC
港大古巨基 2023-3-23 02:31:53 重點係佢唔care油爸爸感受好難無後果

話晒油爸爸都係MU fan
港大古巨基 2023-3-23 02:35:55 乜撚嘢50b