LoanYi 2023-3-22 01:42:43 做空唯一仲堅持既應該得番個點陣圖


Michael_Burry 2023-3-22 01:42:47 此回覆已被刪除
不再訊因為騰 2023-3-22 01:42:54
不再訊因為騰 2023-3-22 01:48:52 比盡都係加多一次0.25 咁加息週期已完
你冇腦就彈開啦 2023-3-22 01:49:02 棍上137
Michael_Burry 2023-3-22 01:49:09 此回覆已被刪除
Pully_Amour 2023-3-22 01:49:16 T車勁
你冇腦就彈開啦 2023-3-22 01:50:09 同埋信自己,靠信念
佢地d fa講黎講去都係加緊息,通脹未回
Pully_Amour 2023-3-22 01:50:33 挽留
阿啤 2023-3-22 01:51:13 其實無野,買reits都係為收息
ChatGTA 2023-3-22 01:51:15

Google 熊肉料理


你冇腦就彈開啦 2023-3-22 01:53:05
ChatGTA 2023-3-22 01:55:40 One recipe you could try is a slow-cooked bear roast:


3-4 pounds of bear roast
1 onion, chopped
3-4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 cup of beef broth
1/2 cup of red wine
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of dried thyme
1 tablespoon of dried rosemary
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 325°F.
Season the bear roast with salt and pepper.
Heat the olive oil in a large oven-safe Dutch oven over medium-high heat.
Add the bear roast and brown on all sides.
Remove the bear roast from the Dutch oven and set aside.
Add the chopped onion and minced garlic to the Dutch oven and sauté until softened.
Add the beef broth, red wine, thyme, and rosemary to the Dutch oven and bring to a boil.
Return the bear roast to the Dutch oven, cover with a lid, and transfer to the oven.
Cook the bear roast for 3-4 hours or until tender.
Remove from the oven and let rest for 10-15 minutes before slicing and serving.
This recipe will result in a tender and flavorful bear roast that is perfect for a hearty meal. Enjoy
很想痛恨你 2023-3-22 01:58:43 NVDA 做咩一次過出咁多同其他公司合作嘅新聞
泡沫花火 2023-3-22 01:58:44 納dee自high
千升驚西 2023-3-22 01:59:50 堆amd nvda tesla 開盤到依家完全唔跟大市

扮明大戶已經一早睇透為市尾水 仲賣平貨比你咩
LoanYi 2023-3-22 02:01:51 道期hi 1 hi下降軌就收左皮
LoanYi 2023-3-22 02:03:28 google又比上車位 好吸引
反向操作專家 2023-3-22 02:06:40 nvda 升返晒 cls
新屋嶺多一隻狗 2023-3-22 02:11:35 唔理佢講真定講假 但ching依個時候講依啲嘢冇乜意思
Michael_Burry 2023-3-22 02:19:07 此回覆已被刪除


咪撚講經 2023-3-22 02:21:20 話咁快TSLA又升番上196呢個壓力位
安樂茶飯 2023-3-22 02:22:27 ching你proofread下先
和平使者 2023-3-22 02:28:42 https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cp-Ci_Is-5u/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

FF幻想專家 2023-3-22 02:29:26 想買富途