LIHKG [Banter Era 2.0] AC米蘭球迷討論區 358
二石四鳥 2023-4-2 13:48:58 Tigre president Ezequiel Melarana said of Mateo #Retegui to TYC Sport: "Everything points to Retegui being sold in June. There are several interested clubs in Europe. Once the deal with Boca is closed, we will buy 50% of his card and we will be partners in the operation."

AC Milan are interested in the player
屌, 南美波呢啲所有權又係好煩


舒夫金撈 2023-4-2 14:45:52 兩個價係咪各自deal ?
Eg Boca 叫15m, 另一邊叫50m都得?
二石四鳥 2023-4-2 14:51:11 好似係按比例分比另外所有權嘅公司/球會
例如20M , Boca佔50% 咁Boca就分10M 咁
二石四鳥 2023-4-2 14:51:41 What is third party ownership?
Third party ownership is an economic arrangement in which a third party investor holds the economic rights to a player. Investors often cover the costs of a player’s training and accommodation, in return for a percentage of their future transfer fee. Some opponents of the practice claim that teams could be pressured to move a player on in order to achieve gains for an investor. Others suggest it is “indentured servitude” because the player can be sold to a club without receiving profit from the sale. However, third party ownership isn’t always 100%; in some cases, the third party receives as little as 5% of the profits.

Regardless of their stake in a player, third party investors make their money from transfer deals. These deals are often worth millions of dollars. When Brazilian footballer Anderson Luís de Abreu Oliveira (commonly known as Anderson) was transferred to Manchester United in 2007, agent Jorge Mendes received approximately £4 million. Mendes had invested £3.75 million into Anderson’s previous football club as a third party owner.

BlueRose 2023-4-2 15:23:02 講咁多大道理比分斯聽結果係將佢同普巴排喺巴卡後面
二石四鳥 2023-4-2 15:29:38 分屍係好

二石四鳥 2023-4-2 19:24:00 Alessandro #Costacurta to #SkySport: "#ACMilan are in trouble and see next year's #ChampionsLeague becoming more and more difficult."
HeyCiri 2023-4-2 20:53:15 希望隊波今晚可以爭氣啲
蒙杜利禾(掛靴) 2023-4-2 20:58:08 輸少當贏
雞巴哥 2023-4-2 21:00:46 烏雞被大炒,證明我蘭有幾廢
二石四鳥 2023-4-2 21:14:05


eat_shit 2023-4-2 21:14:59 垃素輕鬆到
周加魯魯 2023-4-2 21:43:11 皮蛇: Trust the process
舒夫金撈 2023-4-2 22:19:37 柏gay 點解可以咁癈
二石四鳥 2023-4-2 22:32:04
離開咗Lyon 突然唔識踢咁
舒夫金撈 2023-4-2 22:41:16 英超邊有時間俾你hold住撚兩撚
佢要善用佢屎忽打one touch pass 啦
舒夫金撈 2023-4-2 22:44:09

西感個賓哈馬同emerson 成場起碼做咗5,6次overlap落底,次次都起碼做到傳中
Leao Theo幾時肯合作下
BlueRose 2023-4-3 01:41:22 NAPOLI (4-3-3): Meret; Di Lorenzo, Rrahmani, Kim, Mário Rui; Anguissa, Lobotka, Zieliński; Politano, Simeone, Kvaratskhelia.

MILAN (4-2-3-1): Maignan; Calabria, Kjær, Tomori, Theo Hernández; Bennacer, Tonali; Brahim Díaz, Krunić, Leão; Giroud.

醫牙鬆槓 2023-4-3 01:55:32 diaz準備一箭定江山
二石四鳥 2023-4-3 02:03:51
簡達華朗素 2023-4-3 02:11:38 古力


神奇哥 2023-4-3 02:36:50 2:45 早場
DeKetelaere 2023-4-3 02:41:58
一命嗚呼 2023-4-3 02:43:23
SteveNashDH 2023-4-3 02:47:54 唔知古力係咪真係可以解決問題