LIHKG [Banter Era 2.0] AC米蘭球迷討論區 358
邦利拿BB 2023-3-20 12:29:20 leao tune好未


二石四鳥 2023-3-20 15:58:00 CorSera: Today, the three-man defence module no longer works and after the break it is possible that Stefano #Pioli will decide to return to 4-2-3-1.
蒙杜利禾(掛靴) 2023-3-20 16:07:27 上半場4231
HeyCiri 2023-3-20 16:36:03 對攻中個種執著

DeKetelaere 2023-3-20 16:53:18 齊腳 叫KALULU右閘
一早應該拎返4321 試下啦
DeKetelaere 2023-3-20 16:53:57 4231 打錯
二石四鳥 2023-3-20 17:17:20 可能收起一個攻中
放多個中場 4321 / 433 都可以試
舒夫金撈 2023-3-20 17:22:21 一係好似上年咁古力Amc
病院阪黑貓 2023-3-20 17:30:51 希望班人傳波走位正常番
DeKetelaere 2023-3-20 17:37:09 依樣野係越黎越差

都係靠球員個人能力 狀態
AC米蘭米c 2023-3-20 18:08:29 牙東右翼 adli後備

古力 牙ben 雙中場


資訊科技犬 2023-3-20 19:52:57 AC Milan head coach Stefano Pioli currently has the full support of the management but if a top four finish were not secured that could change, a report claims.

According to this morning’s edition of Corriere della Sera (via MilanNews), Pioli still has the esteem of the Rossoneri ownership despite the poor results domestically so far in 2023, but in the next two months things need to turn around.

Qualifying for the 2023-24 edition of the Champions League is essentially a minimum objective for Milan and one they absolutely cannot fail to achieve, so if they were to finish outside the top four it would cause reflections.

Those reflections would not just be limited to the head coach either as technical director Paolo Maldini would also come under scrutiny for the choices he and Ricky Massara made during the last summer window, ones that do not seem to have strengthened a squad that had just been crowned champions.

HeyCiri 2023-3-20 19:55:18 咁仲要唔要前四好

食左飯未 2023-3-20 20:56:54 皮狗話無前四但攞歐聯冠軍
病院阪黑貓 2023-3-20 21:05:04 拎到實留架, 佢咪拎攞
蒙杜利禾(掛靴) 2023-3-20 21:24:56




BlueRose 2023-3-20 21:30:18
原來烏雞成隊波人工得17m gross

同dest baka origi三個加埋差唔多
二石四鳥 2023-3-20 21:47:46 呢件真係幾靚
病院阪黑貓 2023-3-20 22:42:11 個中鋒Beto幾啱駛, 最近新聞話有興趣個中場Samardzic
二石四鳥 2023-3-20 23:03:49 中鋒 Beto
中場 Samardzic 同Walace 都搶得過
周加魯魯 2023-3-20 23:05:45 Samardzic同Walace烏雞係德甲執返黎加埋先13M


二石四鳥 2023-3-20 23:07:17 Walace 打單防中都夠
夠硬 又活動範圍大 防守又夠貼身
病院阪黑貓 2023-3-20 23:10:16 沙馬傑本身free我地搶輸紅牛添啦
舒夫金撈 2023-3-20 23:23:50 除咗烏雞
周加魯魯 2023-3-20 23:40:29 我記得有隻丹麥防中打我蘭時助攻同將Pobega比下去