[ Felix!!!!] 車路士球迷討論區
堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:24:06 Graham Potter:

"I'd like to keep the conversation private [dressing room mood] but the boys were frustrated. They put a lot into the game and wanted to win."


串過狗撚 2023-3-19 04:24:07 淨係唔想再見到RLC 同Chalobah
黑柴飼養員 2023-3-19 04:24:17 因為本身細查係守右邊

酥皮蛋撻 2023-3-19 04:24:28 咁好心機覆維園黨
派膠派到手軟 2023-3-19 04:24:36 唔好合理化一d唔合理既野啦

黑柴飼養員 2023-3-19 04:25:09 佢真係成日偷換概念祿事嘈
C137-Morty 2023-3-19 04:25:09 反未
中鋒大衛雷斯 2023-3-19 04:25:18 即刻搵chatgpt gen左個response, 真係差唔多料

Good evening everyone,

First of all, I want to thank our fans for their support and for sticking with us during this challenging time. We know that our recent results have not been up to our usual standards, and we share your frustration.

Regarding today's match against Everton, I must say that I'm disappointed not to have secured the win, but I'm proud of the team's performance. We took the lead early in the second half, but Everton showed character and resilience to equalize twice and secure a draw.

We know that there's still work to be done, but this match has shown that we have a talented group of players who are committed to the cause. We will continue to work hard on the training ground and improve our game.

I also want to give credit to our opponents, Everton, for their performance. They proved to be a tough team to beat and gave us a good challenge.

Going forward, we will take the lessons from this match and continue to work hard to improve our game. We have the quality to compete at the highest level, and we will do everything in our power to get back to winning ways.

Thank you.
派膠派到手軟 2023-3-19 04:26:14 其實Badshit 今場都失左幾次位
最強翼衛摸西先 2023-3-19 04:26:14
31歲黑9踢左80分鍾 跑輸岩岩換出黎新仔就要入哂佢數?

要個31歲老野one mark 個岩岩換出黎既新仔
堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:26:19 早啲抖啦


柔道龍虎榜 2023-3-19 04:26:37 因為條友好食體系,不過夠hustle
派膠派到手軟 2023-3-19 04:27:05 咪玩啦
36歲既cwa 都無佢咁鳩屎
情牆乳膠漆 2023-3-19 04:27:07 最緊要係細查出場無耐 又係碌撚咁慢慢睇
黑鳩問題係轉身慢 同埋停左停搞到跟唔上
細查上場無耐就右邊無左影 漏成個大位比人用波 個波到左都係無跟到 唔講以為細查踢左80分鐘

兩個都有問題 但都會比人話迷黑鳩
寶福山雅治🎸 2023-3-19 04:27:37 https://twitter.com/CFCDUBois/status/1637111837501136905?s=20
柔道龍虎榜 2023-3-19 04:27:38 今期withdraw囉
堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:27:41 Graham Potter:

"Conor [Gallagher] has been unlucky because whenever he has come on, he's done well. He'll be frustrated and rightly so, but he's been a fantastic team player."
七海みなみ 2023-3-19 04:27:51 Cwa夠自爆過啦
派膠派到手軟 2023-3-19 04:28:14 但黑鳩係場場爆
最強翼衛摸西先 2023-3-19 04:28:27 cwa都試過跑輸啦

堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:28:32 Potter: “We attacked well. Kai, Joao, CP were positive in the first half. There were individual performances that were positive but again, the feeling is frustration because we've dropped points.”


柔道龍虎榜 2023-3-19 04:30:05 講得好
杜拉格西 2023-3-19 04:30:13 唔撚好再咁on9啦得唔得呀
係一個連帶事件黎 細查唔係放條西隧出黎
對面邊有位咁樣推呀 佢比人過係一件事
細查on9係一件事 用下你個屎忽腦諗下先出黎廢up啦
冇人幫條黑鳩講好話呀 問題係細查唔先出錯 就唔會連帶出現問題呀
派膠派到手軟 2023-3-19 04:30:43 得罪講句
個球俾tarkowski 單防都唔會好似黑鳩咁柒
杜拉格西 2023-3-19 04:30:43 早換都係換果班人出黎 個本質係冇變