[ Felix!!!!] 車路士球迷討論區
堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:09:31 Graham Potter on Mason Mount not going to England camp:

"He's not going, he needs some time to recover [from his injury]. It's the right decision."


最強翼衛摸西先 2023-3-19 04:09:31 vvd
堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:09:50 Graham Potter on Everton draw:

"It was a positive performance overall, but it’s hard to say that when you’ve only got one point."
堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:10:09 "I thought the performance overall was positive. We did a lot of things really well, but we didn’t defend well enough in a couple of actions. We’re disappointed to drop points."
黑柴飼養員 2023-3-19 04:10:22 希望吸取教訓唔好對皇重複犯錯
Gae_u_jin 2023-3-19 04:10:35 陣間球員又會話咩「唔係想要嘅戰果,保持團結下場努力」……
世一右閘 2023-3-19 04:11:18 自己都唔敢講
黑柴飼養員 2023-3-19 04:11:36 迪加係皇感覺都廢左好多
派膠派到手軟 2023-3-19 04:11:55 俾件新仔爆贏走去賴隔離球員/賴個龍
瘋伙戲豬猴 2023-3-19 04:12:12 佢不如唔好講野,用chatgpt答仲好
Gae_u_jin 2023-3-19 04:12:24 CWA:好在我有得抖抖,再同呢一老一幼玩命都短幾年


柔道龍虎榜 2023-3-19 04:12:34 堺狗好!
黑柴飼養員 2023-3-19 04:13:01 抽筋姐唔好嚇我
堺雅人 2023-3-19 04:13:08 Graham Potter on Wesley Fofana:

"Wes had to come off with fatigue, as he has had a long time out. He was feeling his hamstring."
瘋伙戲豬猴 2023-3-19 04:13:14 迪加冇3中堅廢返好正常,3中堅先發揮到佢實力
Gae_u_jin 2023-3-19 04:13:37 有樸達呢種主帥,對住歐聯嘅安76
火撚鳥 2023-3-19 04:13:47 大把人問點解英撚唔揀佢
珈瑪星雲 2023-3-19 04:13:59 請得干地就預咗歐聯柒架啦
杜拉格西 2023-3-19 04:14:15 再重申一次 係兩個都係100%負責
根本兩個都係低級犯錯 唔係賴唔賴隔離球員 唔好搞錯
派膠派到手軟 2023-3-19 04:14:20 意假多水貨
Akari_Tsumugi 2023-3-19 04:14:39 唔係又傷下話


七海みなみ 2023-3-19 04:14:52 要吸一早吸左啦
Gae_u_jin 2023-3-19 04:15:20 施華嫂係真心愛車
瘋伙戲豬猴 2023-3-19 04:15:25 呢件真係賣得好,佢同細查其實都差唔多料
最強翼衛摸西先 2023-3-19 04:16:06 我邊撚到話黑9無問題
