[網球] ATP & WTA 討論區 (42)
迷cur 2023-4-14 23:56:42 唔係啦


白色的雲 2023-4-15 00:01:09 唔記得咗屎屎都贏過年終

不過Masters細佬有羅馬 加拿大 馬德里x2 和Cincinnati,屎屎得兩個MC
The1975. 2023-4-15 00:05:19 呢個年代D球手打好底線就當夠用 細牛就真係樣樣超班兼有腦
從上面來的螞蟻 2023-4-15 00:17:04 拿度呢個年紀真係場場衝

Missed 年終賽+AO
tyc 2023-4-15 00:18:41 其實佢哋年紀只係+/- 1 但成熟情度 / EQ 差太遠😂 其實baby 都真係好鬼baby face 再加cap 帽 如果矮番啲 你話15/6 歲都有人信😂
The1975. 2023-4-15 00:32:11 波牛時期既拿度仲要草地硬地都係純打defensive baseline 我仲記得佢話過當每球都係最後一球咁打 正常人咁玩廿中就可以退休
以細牛打法嚟講損耗一定冇咁大 調整下就夠玩好多年
The1975. 2023-4-15 00:34:44 又咁講 baby既行為只係似返19歲
細牛心態成個老將咁 罪人就永無表情異常冷靜
極速神驅 2023-4-15 00:39:32
tyc 2023-4-15 00:41:49 公平D講 其實細牛都生得老成 😂
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-15 00:43:48 直情老
Mayuko 2023-4-15 08:39:56 此回覆已被刪除


Mayuko 2023-4-15 08:40:31 此回覆已被刪除
tyc 2023-4-15 10:44:45 呢啲就係輸自己 明明兩個人都勁 梗係關鍵分包握唔好
得閒打飛機 2023-4-15 12:32:50 唔洗爭
tyc 2023-4-15 13:38:42 好彩梅總有GS咗 又做咩過世一 算係90後世一 🤣
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-15 14:49:51 呢個好笑

The1975. 2023-4-15 15:31:01 梅總是無辜的

福斯的背叛 2023-4-15 15:51:24 Big 3係啲fans會互片
tyc 2023-4-15 16:43:03 好似梅總啱啱先同細佬開火 😂
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-15 17:09:30 “Yeah, Sascha, when he loses, we can find maybe 25 interviews of him where he does say some strange things. Again, honestly saying like if guys like Casper, I don't know, Andrey, maybe Karen, even Diego, so I had let's call it a fight with him in ATP Cup, honestly, I'm at fault, and probably he still like doesn't like me the way maybe he liked me before this match. And I'm sorry that a guy like Diego, who's so kind and so fair play, feels like this about me.

"Sascha is not this guy. Sascha is not like Casper, he's not like Diego, he's not like Andrey. When he says someone is not fair play, you're like, 'Okay, great. Look at yourself in the mirror.'

"I'm not going to go too much into details. Just gonna say we were never really close friends, maybe only in juniors. That's only him, in his congratulations speeches, saying something like he was friends with me and my wife, which is definitely not the case since [a] long time. I never said this."
Mayuko 2023-4-15 17:27:10 此回覆已被刪除


讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-15 17:29:17 火藥味濃
tyc 2023-4-15 18:50:47 突然好期待佢哋再H2H 🤩🤣可能會迫到大家game 1 set 1就已經出全力🤩
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-15 19:23:30

得閒打飛機 2023-4-15 19:52:31 你攪清楚邊個先開火