[網球] ATP & WTA 討論區 (42)
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 17:06:22 Anyone watching 華佬 or Norrie?


白色的雲 2023-4-10 18:54:28 唔講都唔知華佬打緊


讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 18:56:08 佢應該都仲享受緊呀
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 19:41:38 華佬簽名好似殺咗人咁

原來佢係宜家top 100年紀最大嗰個
福斯的背叛 2023-4-10 19:49:13 磨波佬呢啲水貨top10
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 19:50:52
AGATHA 2023-4-10 22:04:40 梅蛇
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 22:13:58
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 22:39:28 打到甩帽應該點rule?
詩人之言 2023-4-10 23:28:37 Murray D力用哂落 aus open 同 qatar open
詩人之言 2023-4-10 23:32:42 Tiafoe withdraws from Monte Carlo



運動廢青 2023-4-10 23:37:45 第1次replay the point, 第2次之後直接輸1分
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 23:39:24 Withdraw先正常啦
The1975. 2023-4-10 23:42:57 有冇人睇thiem
AGATHA 2023-4-10 23:46:09 個發球局打左成半個鐘
The1975. 2023-4-10 23:50:24
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 23:51:32
Murray not happy at 15-15, with his hat falling off during the point but with De Minaur hitting a drop shot straight away - the umpire gives the point to De Minaur!

A brief confrontation with chair umpire Carlos Bernardes, over Murray's hat falling off mid-point, was the sort of scenario which would have usually spurred the Brit on - but instead the momentum continued to swing in De Minaur's favour.
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-10 23:52:46 打咗24分鐘都仲係0:2
守寡 2023-4-11 00:13:19
讓我決定我的快樂 2023-4-11 00:13:46 差啲派bagel
The1975. 2023-4-11 00:17:07 臭thiem唔好發作


The1975. 2023-4-11 01:00:55 thiem下場對baby仲有冇得打
Mayuko 2023-4-11 07:05:15 此回覆已被刪除
福斯的背叛 2023-4-11 09:02:43 clay好啲嘅,不過未去返全盛時期
The1975. 2023-4-12 21:07:23 梅總