Midjourney 上癮
Siubobo 2023-3-18 15:45:34





蝗加蝻變慘 2023-3-18 15:59:37 Midjourney 而家收費機制係點?
Siubobo 2023-3-18 16:25:23
Siubobo 2023-3-18 16:30:06 https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/plans
Siubobo 2023-3-18 16:32:16

蝗加蝻變慘 2023-3-18 16:41:59 你工作需要定係為興趣玩?
Siubobo 2023-3-18 16:43:50 興趣
Siubobo 2023-3-18 17:11:28 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1083990375175294980/1086574292101234729/iFers_Beautiful_Hongkongese_anime_waifu_white_wet-look_hyper_te_e2ac71eb-f181-4409-a94d-b87ea014eacb.png?width=411&height=539
Siubobo 2023-3-18 17:11:47
Siubobo 2023-3-18 17:19:56
Siubobo 2023-3-18 20:31:28



六四無死人 2023-3-18 21:26:47 有無教學點用
而家最新係V5但我個discord bot都係出V1比我
Siubobo 2023-3-18 21:30:46 有冇買plan ar..應該setting嗰度轉返 V5 可以喎..我都係上網search You tube tutorial. 同埋有啲人會share啲keyword出嚟
六四無死人 2023-3-18 22:02:25 有無夾GPT4玩?
Siubobo 2023-3-18 22:06:15 …依家買緊ing…
Siubobo 2023-3-18 22:07:07 估計應該會方便好多好似喎佢可以自己gen prompt..
Siubobo 2023-3-18 22:23:51 你用GPT 4 夾咗其他乜嘢其他AI tools 玩..
六四無死人 2023-3-18 23:03:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asg1e_IYzR8&ab_channel=AllAboutAI
Siubobo 2023-3-19 11:31:41


Prompt : underwater photography, soft, dreamland, a model wore clothes made of jellyfishxtim walker
Siubobo 2023-3-19 20:28:23


Prompts : underwater photography, soft, dreamland, a model wore clothes made of jellyfishxtim walker
Siubobo 2023-3-19 20:28:59


LiLPEEP 2023-3-19 20:40:29
Siubobo 2023-3-19 20:43:16 好真
LiLPEEP 2023-3-19 20:53:10
Siubobo 2023-3-19 20:57:21 師兄搵咗幾耐?