多倫多生活討論區 62
李永森 2023-3-19 11:34:28 車房仔都有階級之分㗎

賤民用Mastercraft、OEM Tools、Stanley,高尚人種就用Snap On同Milwaukee

望住佢班友連燈都用Snap On真係五體投地,成舊幾水一支燈


將軍澳巴打 2023-3-19 11:34:34 Sure mate
加拿大黎生 2023-3-19 11:36:12 可摸耳搭下我問題
內向毒撚 2023-3-19 11:36:33 華人商場計唔計?
公園之類就Scarborough bluff

加拿大黎生 2023-3-19 11:39:49 HSBC 果頭都幾多新condo
點解唔住返markham ?
Markham go 啲車密過Langstaff go
李永森 2023-3-19 11:41:18 我覺得14街幾好住

奶西飲奶 2023-3-19 11:41:59 華人商場基本垃圾 chartwell得個food court woodside 得恐龍公仔 Agincourt mall & Marvin 係死場+印度區 suburban 係咁㗎啦
加拿大黎生 2023-3-19 11:42:47 Stanley堅垃圾
綠帽鹿角 2023-3-19 11:43:38 買工具呢啲嘢係會上癮
CNTower 2023-3-19 11:43:48 HCBC is a sinking ship
李永森 2023-3-19 11:44:20 可以嘅

我嘅理解係上完堂先有得去實習,所以啲車房成日話想請咩2nd Year Apprentice 就係咁解,因為第一年係Full Time上堂(好似係)



奶西飲奶 2023-3-19 11:44:29 無業遊民唔識你
princess Auto 啲嘢最雞但係最平 一個月先用得一兩次啲ratchet嘅話點解要去home Depot買貴嘢
李永森 2023-3-19 11:46:46 用兩個星期就要浸落啲機油度潤下佢,唔係就會棘


加拿大黎生 2023-3-19 11:47:04 巴打第幾年?
CNTower 2023-3-19 11:48:58 Did you take this deduction?


Deduction for tools (tradespersons)
Note: Line 22900 was line 229 before tax year 2019.

If you were a tradesperson in 2022, use the following formula to calculate your maximum tradesperson's tools deduction for the cost of eligible tools you bought in 2022.

Maximum deduction for eligible tools is the lesser of:

a) $500

b) the amount, if any, determined by the formula

A − $1,287


A = the lesser of:

1. the total cost of eligible tools that you bought in 2022

2. your income from employment as a tradesperson for the year

plus the amount you received in 2022 under the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and the Apprenticeship Completion Grant programs

minus the amount of any Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and Apprenticeship Completion Grant overpayments that you had to repay in 2022

In 2022, Karsten is employed as an electrician with ABC Company, and he needs to purchase additional tools for his job. He paid $2,500 for the tools he needed and he earned $45,000 in employment income in 2022 as an electrician.

He calculates his maximum deduction for eligible tools in 2022 as follows:

Maximum deduction for eligible tools is the lesser of:

a) $500

b) the amount, if any, determined by the formula

A − $1,287


A = the lesser of:

1. $2,500

2. $45,000

Karsten's maximum deduction for 2022 is the lesser of $500 and $1,213 ($2,500 − $1,287). Karsten claims a deduction of $500 on line 22900 of his 2022 income tax and benefit return.
加拿大黎生 2023-3-19 11:49:39 香港同事用開德國貨勁高質
將軍澳巴打 2023-3-19 11:49:51 Even if it would be absorbed by RBC?
I though it would be a good entrance ticket for newcomers from Hong Kong
黑人怕熱 2023-3-19 11:50:03 因為住緊Condo 4月尾就黎完約,黎緊4月先考G2,有車都主要女朋友佢揸車翻工用車多,諗住搬翻出少少,我翻工答車好似易啲(宜家做緊屋企tim仔,就儲夠一年鐘,所以想搬走搵其他工)
黑人怕熱 2023-3-19 11:51:42 未揸到車有啲難搞
米咪瞇銤 2023-3-19 11:52:42 起碼woodside個恐龍公仔識叫下
有d表演聽下睇下 (雖然全部1999)
k00kder 2023-3-19 11:55:55


加拿大黎生 2023-3-19 11:59:04 果頭其實幾好住
唔洗搭車go train返工我覺得Richmond hil>Markham
要搭go train 就揀返一啲半個鐘一班車嘅地方會好啲
完全唔知點解Richmond hill go train 一個鐘一班囉
CNTower 2023-3-19 12:02:34 Many branches will be closed
k00kder 2023-3-19 12:02:45
加拿大黎生 2023-3-19 12:09:08 我用ib