[In Memory of Jack de Bromhead] 三月海外賽馬賽事討論區 V
波利 2023-3-19 14:50:37 終於有隻三歲馬仔有睇頭


桜雪 2023-3-19 14:50:56 你細佬誰
波利 2023-3-19 14:51:15
加州萬里 2023-3-19 14:51:57 California Spangle
桜雪 2023-3-19 14:52:39 想買老豆
只可惜天地亦無情 2023-3-19 14:53:47 和田電: 不如試下我?
淡若水 2023-3-19 14:53:52 川田=野田系
窮矮肥柒毒 2023-3-19 14:55:51 佢成績明顯上到一線之後2400+嬴得仲少過後生嗰陣
波利 2023-3-19 14:58:19 廢lin同杜生呢
真心呼喚 2023-3-19 15:00:50 連騎Hrimfaxi
宮澤有紀寧 2023-3-19 15:00:56 廢lin book咗金子真人嗰隻hrim唔識串


波利 2023-3-19 15:02:17 咁仲有杜狗
Machico(帝皇) 2023-3-19 15:02:35 何妖
桜雪 2023-3-19 15:09:58 屌你一炮流星!!!!
桜雪 2023-3-19 15:14:28 又輸
波利 2023-3-19 15:20:03 戒賭啦
SEJEONGKIM33 2023-3-19 15:21:47 想問菊花賞 狗島騎乜9
SEJEONGKIM33 2023-3-19 15:23:37 想知日本騎師點撚樣畢業
宮澤有紀寧 2023-3-19 15:25:42 佢哋冇畢業呢樣嘢
波利 2023-3-19 15:36:05 高松宮想賭佢
波利 2023-3-19 15:39:53 廢lin贏半冷


黎昭昇fans 2023-3-19 15:40:14 Linda都有馬贏
桜雪 2023-3-19 15:43:24 今日輸到我扑街
淡若水 2023-3-19 15:44:38 唔好再追啦
加州萬里 2023-3-19 15:49:11 An intriguing tactical battle on the cards with Zac Purton charged with setting the right tempo on front-running California Spangle to try and draw the string from the finishing kick of LUCKY SWEYNESSE and Wellington, and to a lesser extent Waikuku. The selection is the up-and-coming 4yo who has already shown he belongs in the highest grade with a Group 1 defeat of Wellington. He will relish sitting in the slipstream of the leader before changing gear in the final furlong.
