[D384-] 抗俄衛國 154: 俄羅斯炮灰無聞, 烏克蘭英雄挽歌
登登燈等 2023-3-14 23:02:27


Staff09 2023-3-14 23:02:39 要發爛渣早發咗啦
大西北姿粉客 2023-3-14 23:02:53 淨係知佢唔敢掟核彈,佢掟核彈嘅話,中國驚過佢
kaede512 2023-3-14 23:02:54 唔理得咁多架啦,有種咪射核攞,最多陷星剷之嘛
鬼二二 2023-3-14 23:03:49 唔射核之外既小動作咁囉
大西北姿粉客 2023-3-14 23:09:57 但係射哩啲無咩用
牧瀨紅莉棲 2023-3-14 23:15:07
wenliyang 2023-3-14 23:20:40 呢篇要睇睇. 新兵未搞掂未訓練好.
聖人有味 2023-3-14 23:22:50 其實你條福佳真係生殖器太痕,成日博小
kaede512 2023-3-14 23:26:34 剛睇哂, 離訓練完成, 仲需要D時間.

所以我成日都話西方世界太遲, 全部嘢應該舊年8-9月已經要開始.

提督你唔好再攞南斯拉夫戰爭比, 而家係2023年, 我的期待係西方世界應該要再進步D, 再攞outdated standard比, 對整體社會進步冇好處.
kaede512 2023-3-14 23:27:07 唔使踩佢


wenliyang 2023-3-14 23:43:45 應該唔係. 絞肉機, 磨既唔止係敵軍.
似乎烏克蘭軍隊覺得後勤嗰邊有問題, 同埋新兵唔夠訓練.
我諗西方情報大概知咩事, 所以叫佢唔好死守巴赫姆.
如果照報導黎睇, 烏軍真係要反攻, 一來唔可以提前,
二來呢個決戰可能會損手爛腳, 因為唔夠坦克等重火力同太多新兵.

After a year of war, Kupol, a lieutenant colonel, said his battalion is unrecognizable. Of about 500 soldiers, roughly 100 were killed in action and another 400 wounded, leading to complete turnover. Kupol said he was the sole military professional in the battalion, and he described the struggle of leading a unit composed entirely of inexperienced troops.

“I get 100 new soldiers,” Kupol said. “They don’t give me any time to prepare them. They say, ‘Take them into the battle.’ They just drop everything and run. That’s it. Do you understand why? Because the soldier doesn’t shoot. I ask him why, and he says, ‘I’m afraid of the sound of the shot.’ And for some reason, he has never thrown a grenade. … We need NATO instructors in all our training centers, and our instructors need to be sent over there into the trenches. Because they failed in their task.”

He described severe ammunition shortages, including a lack of simple mortar bombs and grenades for U.S.-made MK 19s.

Even with new equipment and training, U.S. military officials consider Ukraine’s force insufficient to attack all along the giant front, where Russia has erected substantive defenses, so troops are being trained to probe for weak points that allow them to break through with tanks and armored vehicles.
wenliyang 2023-3-14 23:48:15 我好耐無用南斯拉夫黎比啦.

BTW, 都係嗰句, 歐美各國係會互相扯皮, 你俾多啲我俾少啲.
澤仔話要決戰烏東, 某程度亦係催佢地, 俾坦克唔讓爽手啦.
wenliyang 2023-3-14 23:49:32 就算訓練完, 新兵依然係新兵, 正面硬碰會好大傷亡.
聖人有味 2023-3-14 23:50:22 對面D新兵咪仲死
wenliyang 2023-3-14 23:51:27 一來唔值得. 二來最終有幾多坦克係未知數.
兒登冧巴溫 2023-3-14 23:52:29 我諗要場戰結朿二三十年後,大家至會知真實情況係點
連燈白卡佬 2023-3-14 23:54:23 5毛邊有得google
兒登冧巴溫 2023-3-14 23:54:57 二戰後期即使D Day盟軍成功建立橋頭堡重返歐洲大陸,德軍依然可以晌突出部之役,市場菜園行動使盟軍傷亡慘重
wenliyang 2023-3-14 23:55:34 問百度都有答案啦
兒登冧巴溫 2023-3-14 23:57:48 歐美主要睇在烏克蘭係提防俄羅斯西擴橋頭堡,波蘭同波羅的海三國更加身同感受,摩爾多亞就更驚因為烏克蘭一敗下個就肯定係佢地,比俄羅斯西擴直指西歐佢地一樣驚,澤仔一力主攻睇來都係比壓力歐美,你唔撐我地你地都唔會好過


連燈白卡佬 2023-3-14 23:59:55 其實舊年已經講緊呢個問題
1 佢急病死,權力忽然真空,蛾烏戰爭結束,莫屍科分裂內戰
2 佢被軍隊/wagner政變退位/暗殺,蛾烏戰爭結束,莫屍科分裂內戰
3 佢退兵棄烏東蛾狗,因為無晒資源同錢,俾支那食住,變習帝隻狗,變巨大版北韓伊朗
4 佢同佢繼任人都會繼續keep住打,但愈打愈縮,長期邊境侵擾
聖人有味 2023-3-15 00:00:11 你睇香港班民賤聯工賊會議員有幾弱智就知果面D人裁係乜料
連燈白卡佬 2023-3-15 00:01:13 佢唔會射核啦
連燈白卡佬 2023-3-15 00:02:00 屌那星出面成班5毛又拎呢段新聞黎打飛機