LIHKG 多倫多生活討論區 62
我不是唐紫睿 2023-3-15 09:38:48


甴總 2023-3-15 09:38:58 如果想買二手 等夏天就應該難搵
廢老開心果 2023-3-15 09:44:08 真啊,我已經講左好似係,因為我都唔肯定,我亦唔係expert
名稱不存在 2023-3-15 09:49:25 我架RB放左喺室外成個冬天,唔知會唔會報廢
我願榮_光歸香港 2023-3-15 09:55:23
陳妙聯廿磅 2023-3-15 09:57:22
甴總 2023-3-15 10:00:43 條鏈冇生鏽就冇事
評頭品足 2023-3-15 10:01:02 咁我碌佢上locker room 算了 thx
吾用口罩 2023-3-15 10:01:17 63蚊算唔算markham 最平
吾用口罩 2023-3-15 10:02:35 依度啲local 話咁少,唔報都冇咩嘢


Luna 2023-3-15 10:07:29 留名join 團

名稱不存在 2023-3-15 10:13:37 有D
CNTower 2023-3-15 11:04:15 not all interest income has T5
just report the interest income and put down no T5
CNTower 2023-3-15 11:05:10 any income over $1.00 must be reported
吾用口罩 2023-3-15 11:17:24 I will, but my colleague
白沢かなえ 2023-3-15 11:19:43 我都係20 附近


k00kder 2023-3-15 11:26:35
吾用口罩 2023-3-15 11:45:48 要年尾?
唔係會有封over-contribute letter 提你咩?
CNTower 2023-3-15 11:48:36

TFSA payment of taxes
Most TFSA holders have no tax payable related to their TFSA investments, and no TFSA tax return has to be filed. However, when TFSA taxes are applicable for a year, Form RC243, Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) Return, must be filed by June 30, of the following year. Any tax owing must also be paid by that date.

The RC243-SCH-A, Schedule A – Excess TFSA Amounts and RC243-SCH-B, Schedule B – Non-Resident Contributions to a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) will assist you in determining your tax liability.

If a TFSA return is required but has not been filed, we can use information provided by your issuers to calculate any tax payable by you.

You can view filed TFSA returns and schedules online by going to My Account.