LIHKG 多倫多生活討論區 62
異形_性虐 2023-3-14 09:26:50 咁我應該約略作個數落去報落t4既稅項for lunch?
同埋幾時要準備交稅/報稅 岩岩今日第一日係呢邊返工唔熟呢啲野

同埋岩岩先報返2022 既稅


是旦啦吊(A0) 2023-3-14 09:43:13 憎人富貴厭人貧
評頭品足 2023-3-14 09:44:44 係 我仲要住得有啲吊腳
捷維爾 2023-3-14 09:51:34
Ciao後算帳 2023-3-14 09:54:42 跟T4報就得,其他事唔關你事
我不是唐紫睿 2023-3-14 09:54:57
韓國瑜珈褲 2023-3-14 09:55:35 嚟咗四日,終於搞掂哂啲文件野
便衣警(爆缸) 2023-3-14 09:58:52
便衣警(爆缸) 2023-3-14 09:59:55
綠帽鹿角 2023-3-14 10:02:39
綠帽鹿角 2023-3-14 10:11:47 冇車就夠近


CNTower 2023-3-14 10:39:48 咁我應該約略作個數落去報落t4既稅項for lunch?

吾用口罩 2023-3-14 10:59:06 餐廳要人
三萬香檳 2023-3-14 11:04:57 Not yet
k00kder 2023-3-14 12:39:05
叫你老母 2023-3-14 12:58:09 完全係香港精神
不傷心的魚 2023-3-14 13:08:55
傷心700 2023-3-14 13:10:24 你唔係應該預咗?
呻吓可以, 但第二朝要同自己講條路揀咗就好好行埋落去
綠帽鹿角 2023-3-14 13:16:32 山不轉 路轉
路不轉 人轉
人不轉 心轉
失憶蝴蝶 2023-3-14 13:44:28
甴總 2023-3-14 14:36:43 有2部RB


我願榮_光歸香港 2023-3-14 15:16:32
吾用口罩 2023-3-14 19:57:50 睇職員
CNTower 2023-3-14 20:29:32

Line 48500 – Balance owing

If your total payable from line 43500 of your return is more than your total credits from line 48200 of your return, enter the difference on line 48500 of your return. This amount is your balance owing.

Generally, if the difference is $2 or less, you do not have to make a payment.

Your balance owing is due April 30, 2023. You should pay any amounts you owe on or before this date to avoid interest and late-filing penalties.

The CRA will charge daily compound interest on any outstanding balance starting May 1, 2023, until your balance is paid in full.

Do not mail cash or include cash with your paper return.

For more information, see Due dates and payment dates.

Payment methods
Make your payment using:

your Canadian financial institution’s services online or telephone banking services, or in person with a remittance voucher (from My Account or by contacting the CRA)
the CRA’s My Payment service at My payment
your credit card, Interac e-transfer, or PayPal through one of the CRA's third-party service providers
pre-authorized debit (PAD) at My Account
cash or debit at any Canada Post outlet across Canada for a fee if you have a remittance voucher with a QR code or a self-generated QR code
If you can’t pay your balance owing by April 30, 2023, see Personal income tax debt collection to learn more about managing your tax debt, or see Information Circular IC98-1R7, Tax Collections Policies.

For more information, go to Payments to the CRA.