2023-3-13 06:30:17
I see a lot of times the people making the post citing how many applicants applied to a certain role on Linkedin, but this is a terrible metric to go by.
When we were hiring for a new grad position, we received roughly 200 resumes, of these, more than 95% didn't even indicate they knew how to code, and less than 10 even mentioned Javascript, which we were hiring for. Out of those we chose to interview, 1 qualified applicant already had an offer and did not take the interview, 3 straight up lied on their resume and didn't know what an array was. Only one knew the existence of an array and a dict/map.
If you truly have good resume and experiences you're only competing with maybe 5% of the applicants. But if you're not getting interviews, more than likely you're the 95% with a terrible resume not solving the root of your issue.