LIHKG 咁多位清,呢個係我最後一個post 啦!
四葉達也 2023-7-8 18:54:18 巳經冇人記得麵麵了


Somefoolcup 2023-7-8 19:01:09 我記得麵麵牙
共產黨總書記 2023-7-8 19:41:49 下世小心啲
沈默是甘 2023-7-8 19:53:09
不得不愛 2023-7-8 19:54:38
兩個月亮 2023-7-8 20:26:02 此回覆已被刪除
201906152930 2023-7-8 20:47:07 “There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to function. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the future, when your name is spoken for the last time.”
― David M. Eagleman, Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives
太平新屎坑 2023-7-8 20:48:18 RIP
貳寶 2023-7-8 20:48:47 此回覆已被刪除
新原味漁夫之寶 2023-7-8 20:52:11
80後收皮期 2023-7-9 18:01:33


壹品豆漿 2023-7-9 18:03:33
新原味漁夫之寶 2023-7-9 18:35:19 Everybody dies, but not everybody lives
咖啡微糖死全家 2023-7-9 18:56:58
小路彎彎號 2023-7-10 03:52:03 屌連狗
Somefoolcup 2023-7-10 16:55:44 點解?
NG騎士 2023-7-11 23:19:33 又想起了你
NG騎士 2023-7-11 23:23:55
九展垃圾 2023-7-11 23:36:12 on9 乜呢個topic會爆嘅咩?
湖南古天樂 2023-7-11 23:36:47
蝗國國民 2023-7-11 23:48:52


任豪 2023-7-12 00:10:42
黃色起源 2023-7-12 00:26:48
雷小子 2023-7-12 00:30:41 Rip
1011010001 2023-7-12 00:58:42