泡沫花火 2023-2-16 19:23:09 跌唔落 熊軍又輸


淚b 2023-2-16 19:23:16 sh
京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 19:26:01 玩apple pie?
GOGL 2023-2-16 19:26:49 CVNA no bullshit
殺殺殺 2023-2-16 19:27:51 壞人做咩好
春江鴨鴨 2023-2-16 19:28:21 今晚財自股 lcid
ARK分析員(FG) 2023-2-16 19:32:29 4150仲要玩幾耐
同期の暴櫻 2023-2-16 19:34:57
ARK分析員(FG) 2023-2-16 19:35:26 SHOP特價?
京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 19:39:04 Shopify(SHOP)2月15日盤後公佈第四季度財報。Shopify四季度收入17.3億美元,同比增長26%,超過分析師預期的16.5億美元;四季度GMV增長13%至610億美元,分析師預期592.1億美元;淨虧損6.2億美元,同比擴大68%;毛利與上一年相比,增長了15%,達到8億美元。




FF幻想專家 2023-2-16 19:43:00
英國鴿 2023-2-16 19:44:56 Stolen chip data
A China-based former employee of ASML — a critical cog in the global semiconductor industry — stole data from a software system that the corporation uses to store technical information about its machinery. The breach occurred in a repository that includes details critical to producing some of the world’s most advanced chips, said people with knowledge of the situation. This is the second such breach that ASML has linked to China in less than a year and comes as the US is pressuring other nations including the Netherlands to help keep China’s chipmaking abilities from advancing
一O 2023-2-16 19:47:15 幾時先4200 等咁耐都未沽到
IONQ 2023-2-16 19:47:54 抵啦, 雖然已經請少左中國佬
英國鴿 2023-2-16 19:51:14 There do seem to be signs that housing is recovering, or at least stabilizing, and here's another way to see that. For the first time since last spring, the Bloomberg economic surprise index for housing and real estate just went positive. In other words, for the first time since last April, housing data is, on net, coming in better than economists are forecasting.

And so again, this raises the question: If you anticipate a recession imminently, you have to answer how that's going to happen when the most rate-sensitive area of the economy is once again performing better than economists expect.
忘了愛 2023-2-16 19:52:43 3200 confirm就confirm左
暴龍哥好嘢 2023-2-16 19:56:36
黑田孝高 2023-2-16 20:04:29 就黎要查三代

明治朱古力 2023-2-16 20:05:57
FF幻想專家 2023-2-16 20:06:38 ddog


京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 20:07:24 就算有部機都冇用

階磚三(燈) 2023-2-16 20:08:55 ddog double miss
京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 20:10:03 Datadog Sees FY23 Adj. EPS $1.02-$1.09 Vs $1.15 Est., Revenue $2.07B-$2.09B Vs $2.19B Est.
李知恩 2023-2-16 20:10:55 配埋MOX即時借
