ARK分析員(FG) 2023-2-16 17:26:02 癲雞之最 100爆上200
京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 17:31:43 但都係要搭hk express
泡沫花火 2023-2-16 17:33:32 冇貨慘過put左
京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 17:33:36 福岡發生大量河豚擱淺或是:全球災難先兆
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
忘了愛 2023-2-16 17:34:47 大家d滅世熊財自到未
京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 17:36:32 熊左hsi執返4000蚊幫補今晚美股可望升
忘了愛 2023-2-16 17:37:46 港服跟我抽ipo wi rate今年100%


京阪代表取締役 2023-2-16 17:39:11 中國商務部將洛歇馬丁及雷神導彈防務公司列入不可靠實體清單
大碌木 2023-2-16 17:39:36 又玩盤前跌盤中升,悶唔悶
迪奧指揮官(紅) 2023-2-16 17:42:59 Dear Client,

IBKR recently launched a new deposit method for HKD and CNH transfers that provides clients with a fast and convenient way to credit their IBKR account.

Electronic Direct Debit Authorization ("eDDA") requires a one-time setup. Once confirmed by your bank, you can instantly top up your trading account at any time by simply confirming the transfer amount.

We invite you to make an eDDA deposit from your Hong Kong bank account to your IBKR account by logging in and selecting Instant Local Transfer via eDDA from the Make a Deposit > Use a new deposit method menu.

豉椒炒鳩毛 2023-2-16 17:45:35
ARK分析員(FG) 2023-2-16 17:46:08 BA呢
殺殺殺 2023-2-16 17:49:30 si
Toyz(絕命毒師) 2023-2-16 17:53:18 升左3日 白做左半年心都痛埋
半糖小冰(PTY) 2023-2-16 17:54:01
半糖小冰(PTY) 2023-2-16 17:55:16
IONQ 2023-2-16 17:55:56 一直關注金銀幾時SS


系九克 2023-2-16 17:56:16
大刀會意粉 2023-2-16 17:56:40 我十個月

泡沫花火 2023-2-16 17:58:13 為左氹熊軍開心