LIHKG 外送平台「戶戶送」投資100萬 與VTC合辦外送專員技能提升課程
仲有三組啊咪撚煩 2023-2-14 16:04:51 巴打睇黎係課程主任


日打夜打 2023-2-14 16:07:02 係讀完要學識超載負重

[無良公司]Deliveroo叫外賣仔送22L水 唔俾分單
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
半2全2 2023-2-14 16:07:58 3: 公屋區(多有錢人)
Priscilla 2023-2-14 16:08:58 要考牌
一鼓作氣 2023-2-14 16:09:53 樓面及外賣員 包完再送
廚房兼外賣員 煮完再包再送
倉務採購廚房兼外賣員 攞貨分貨煮埋包裝再送
七夜一次郎 2023-2-14 16:12:51 此回覆已被刪除
單車係好好既工具 2023-2-14 16:12:59 有得學點樣踩電動單車衝紅燈唔比人捉到
太空明王 2023-2-14 16:19:53
西羅維基 2023-2-14 16:20:13 可能遲d要d外賣仔識揸無人機送外賣
蘇雅琳沚羿 2023-2-14 16:21:22 呢間野仲未執咩
無音響子 2023-2-14 16:21:39 有冇南亞導師? 唔識英文上唔到堂,遲吓係咪外賣都做唔到?


發脹的海綿體 2023-2-14 16:21:53 其實100萬搞到咩課程

分分鐘返工之前強制要你上, 再收返你學費
法伊・D 2023-2-14 16:22:01 做外賣師都要進修

法伊・D 2023-2-14 16:23:06 咩人先有資格做課程主任
西吱的劣食家 2023-2-14 16:23:36 裝修水電都係自僱,VTC都有相關課程,所以有乜問題?
... 2023-2-14 16:24:07 資深外賣員 10年送外賣經驗
天水圍梅毒獸 2023-2-14 16:24:50 做外賣仔都要讀書
警POLICE察 2023-2-14 16:25:05 #1. I'm sorry, I cannot provide information that promotes or facilitates illegal activities.

#2. I'm sorry, I do not have access to the information about your current job status or salary details. To calculate your expected income for the current month, you can use the following formula:

Expected Income = Base Salary + Overtimes + bonuses

If there was no update this month and you have a bonus, you can add the bonus amount to your base salary to calculate your expected income.

#3. As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to access current data or market trends, so I cannot say which area has higher profits for food delivery services.

However, in general, factors such as population density, competition, and local economic conditions can impact the profitability of food delivery services in a specific area. If a region has a high population density and a lower level of competition, it may result in higher profits for delivery services in that area. Additionally, areas with a thriving local economy and high average income are typically more profitable for food delivery services due to higher demand for convenience and delivery services.

#4. As a neutral AI language model, I cannot provide advice on illegal or unethical actions.

However, if you are referring to the issue of parking enforcement and the First City Tow truck fleet, there are several legal and ethical ways to handle the situation:

1. Comply with local parking regulations: The best way to avoid being towed is to follow local parking regulations and make sure your vehicle is parked legally.

2. Familiarize yourself with parking signs: Make sure you understand the parking signs in the area where you are parked, as they may have specific restrictions or regulations.

3. Use a parking meter or pay-by-phone system: If available, use a parking meter or pay-by-phone system to pay for the required amount of time you plan to park.

4. Move your vehicle if necessary: If you receive a parking ticket, consider moving your vehicle to a different location to avoid being towed.

5. Appeal the citation: If you believe the citation was issued in error, you can appeal it through the appropriate channels.

It is important to follow the laws and regulations in your area to avoid being towed by the First City Tow truck fleet or any other parking enforcement agency.
況天照 2023-2-14 16:28:10 以後d怪獸家長無得指住d外賣員



彈波仔 2023-2-14 16:28:38 自己既車自己整
連登青蛙鳩囊 2023-2-14 16:29:41 Higher Diploma in Meal Logistics?


椰子樹無菇的 2023-2-14 16:29:54 FOOD 1030 Food preservation technology and application
DELI 2010 Advance driving skills
吾日三上悠亞 2023-2-14 16:30:31 係咪要實習到足夠時數先可以grad
想搵返GuluGulu 2023-2-14 16:30:33 此回覆已被刪除
BetterWorld 2023-2-14 16:30:55 屌你老母 加返啲運費好過