Chatgpt 幫你問
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 10:59:02 The question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, is a classic philosophical paradox. It has been debated for centuries and there is no single, definitive answer.

One explanation is that the first chicken must have evolved from a previous species of bird, which laid eggs that eventually became chickens. In this sense, the egg came first, as it existed in a previous form before the chicken did.

Another explanation is that the first chicken must have been created spontaneously, or by divine intervention, and therefore came first. In this sense, the chicken came first, as it existed before the egg.

Ultimately, the answer to this paradox may never be known, as it is a question that cannot be answered by empirical evidence or scientific study. The question remains one of the classic examples of a philosophical riddle, and is often used to illustrate the limits of human understanding and the importance of careful thinking and logical reasoning.


最憎肥閪 2023-2-9 11:00:04 what is the best tennis string and racket for recreational players?
瘋小子 2023-2-9 11:00:10 古今中外從政既人物係咪會對未成年少女特別感興趣 好似傳聞中的孫中山 祖拜登 湯家驊等人 有無原因可以分析到佢地如此喜好原因
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:00:10 To cut a watermelon into 11 evenly sized portions, you can follow these steps:

Start by slicing off the top and bottom of the watermelon so that it can stand upright on a cutting board.

Use a sharp knife to cut the watermelon in half lengthwise, then slice each half in half again to make four equal portions.

Take one of the four portions and slice it into three equal pieces lengthwise. Repeat this step with the remaining three portions so that you now have 11 total portions.

Finally, you can remove the rind from each portion by running the knife between the rind and the flesh.

By following these steps, you can easily cut a watermelon into 11 evenly sized portions, making it easy to serve and enjoy this sweet and juicy fruit.
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:01:17 The debate about who is the best player in NBA history between Kobe Bryant and LeBron James is a highly subjective matter, and different people have different opinions on this.

Kobe Bryant was a five-time champion, 18-time All-Star, and one of the most dominant scorers in league history. He was known for his exceptional work ethic, competitive spirit, and clutch performances, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time.

LeBron James, on the other hand, is a four-time champion, 17-time All-Star, and is considered by many to be the best all-around player of his generation. He has a unique combination of size, athleticism, skill, and basketball IQ that makes him a dominant force on the court.

Ultimately, the answer to this question will depend on one's individual criteria for what makes a player the best, such as championships won, individual awards and accolades, or statistical dominance. Both Kobe and LeBron have made significant contributions to the sport of basketball and have left an indelible mark on the history of the NBA.
immaterial 2023-2-9 11:01:30 你已經知道結果
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:02:13 The best tennis string and racket for recreational players depends on various factors, such as their playing style, skill level, and personal preference. However, here are some general recommendations:


Synthetic gut strings, such as Wilson Sensation or Prince Synthetic Gut Duraflex, are a great option for recreational players as they provide a good balance of power, control, and durability.
Multi-filament strings, such as Luxilon Alu Power or Solinco Tour Bite, offer more feel and comfort but tend to lose tension more quickly than synthetic gut strings.

Rackets with a head size between 100-105 square inches are a good choice for recreational players as they provide a good balance of power and control.
Rackets with a flexible beam (or frame) and a medium-weight (around 10-11 ounces) are also well-suited for recreational players as they are easier to handle and generate power with.
Look for rackets with a balanced or head-light weight distribution for easier maneuverability.
It's worth noting that what works well for one player may not work as well for another, so the best way to determine which racket and string combination is best for you is to try out different options and see which one feels the most comfortable and suits your playing style.
糧深保險佬 2023-2-9 11:02:17 仲有冇機會發達?
恒大校長 2023-2-9 11:02:37 點解唔得?你夠多人咪得
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:03:18 這是一個非常敏感和重要的議題。對未成年少女進行性騷擾和性虐待是非常不適當和不道德的行為,不論是否是政治人物。成人必須尊重和保護未成年少女的權益,並堅守道德原則。如果涉及此類情況,必須進行調查和適當的懲罰,以確保此類不適當行為不再發生。
This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.
籮友b 2023-2-9 11:03:38 人類最有效的減肥方法是什麼?


積雪艦 2023-2-9 11:03:55 AI冇主觀思想,除非係已經證實咗嘅事實,唔係佢點會有立場
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:04:36 As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I can be tested and validated to demonstrate that I am indeed an artificial intelligence system. One way to prove this is through the use of controlled tests and evaluations, where the outputs generated by me can be compared against a set of expected results. Additionally, you can observe the consistency and speed of my responses, which would be very difficult for a human to replicate in real-time.

Another way to verify that I am an AI is to check the source code and architecture of my system, which can be made publicly available by OpenAI for review and analysis. This would allow experts in the field to examine how I work and confirm that I am indeed an artificial intelligence system, and not a human masquerading as one.

In any case, if you have any doubts or questions about my authenticity, I would encourage you to do your own research and consult with experts in the field of artificial intelligence.
瘋小子 2023-2-9 11:04:40 湯XX
1618 2023-2-9 11:04:57 醫生幾時可以比機械人取代
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 11:05:18 你比錢請人?
路人走過 2023-2-9 11:05:25 點樣先做到黨主席?
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:06:19 It is difficult to predict exactly when or if robotic doctors will completely replace human doctors, as this will depend on a variety of factors, including advancements in technology, regulatory and ethical considerations, and public acceptance.

However, it is likely that the integration of robotics and AI in the field of medicine will continue to grow and evolve over time. Already, we are seeing increasing use of robotic systems for certain surgical procedures and for assisting with medical diagnoses.

That being said, it is important to note that the role of human doctors is complex and multifaceted, and it is unlikely that robots will be able to completely replace them in the near future. Human doctors bring a unique set of skills, including empathy, emotional intelligence, and the ability to make nuanced decisions based on individual patients' needs and circumstances.

In the end, it will likely be a gradual process where human doctors and robotic doctors work together to provide the best possible care for patients. The extent to which robots will be able to replace human doctors will depend on many factors, including advances in technology and public acceptance of these types of systems.
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 11:06:52 加入共產黨
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:07:59 樓主放棄了
解決鶳 2023-2-9 11:08:05 點解連登仔世界裡面,女人係雞係公廁?


sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 11:08:16 樓主個人意見:HIIT、TABATA
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 11:08:55 全部問啲問題都冇益
他只是個孩子.jpg 2023-2-9 11:09:06 此回覆已被刪除
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:10:07 Becoming a leader in the Communist Party of China is a complex process that requires a combination of political savvy, personal charisma, hard work, and dedication to the party's ideology and goals. Here are some general steps to consider if you're interested in becoming a CCP leader:

Join the Communist Party of China: Before you can become a leader, you must first become a member of the party. This requires meeting certain eligibility criteria and undergoing a rigorous selection process.

Build a strong political background: CCP leaders are typically experienced politicians who have a deep understanding of the party's ideology, history, and goals. Building a strong political background can help you establish credibility and gain the support of other party members.

Develop a strong personal network: Building a strong network of contacts within the CCP can help you gain visibility, make connections, and advance your political career. This can involve working with other party members, participating in party events, and building relationships with influential figures.

Work hard and demonstrate your commitment to the party: CCP leaders are expected to work hard and demonstrate their commitment to the party's goals and ideology. This can involve taking on leadership roles within the party, participating in political campaigns, and advocating for party policies and initiatives.

Be patient: Becoming a CCP leader is a long-term process that requires patience and persistence. It may take years or even decades to reach the highest levels of the party hierarchy, so it's important to stay focused on your goals and continue working hard over the long term.

It's important to note that the process of becoming a CCP leader is highly competitive and involves intense scrutiny and evaluation by party officials. The Communist Party of China is a powerful and highly centralized organization, and becoming a leader requires a high level of political skill, dedication, and ambition.

Whether or not to get into a relationship during high school is a personal decision that depends on many factors, including your own feelings and maturity level. Here are some things to consider:

Focus on academics: High school can be a challenging time academically, and it's important to prioritize your studies. Being in a relationship can be a distraction and take time away from your schoolwork.

Emotional maturity: Relationships require a certain level of emotional maturity and understanding. Consider whether you're ready to handle the ups and downs that come with being in a relationship.

Future plans: Think about your future goals and whether being in a relationship now will align with those plans.

Respect for yourself and others: Relationships should be based on mutual respect and support. Make sure that you're entering a relationship for the right reasons and that both partners are happy and healthy.

Ultimately, the decision to get into a relationship during high school is a personal one and should be based on your own feelings, maturity level, and life circumstances.