Chatgpt 幫你問
世事有絕對 2023-2-9 10:37:47 此回覆已被刪除


Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 10:38:16 Once upon a time, there was a young man named Sinkboat.exe who lived in a small town. Sinkboat.exe was a kind and gentle soul, but he had always felt like something was missing in his life. He had never felt completely at home, and he longed for a sense of belonging.

One day, Sinkboat.exe stumbled upon a website named LIHKG that allowed people to ask questions to an AI language model called ChatGPT. He was fascinated by the idea of a machine that could understand and respond to human language, so he decided to give it a try.

As Sinkboat.exe started to help people on the LIHKG by asking questions to ChatGPT, he met a young man named 恒大校長. 恒大校長was having trouble with a computer program, and he reached out to Sinkboat.exe for help. Sinkboat.exe was more than happy to assist, and he quickly found that he and 恒大校長 had a lot in common.

They both loved technology, music, and art, and they soon became good friends. They would spend hours chatting online about their interests and life in general. Sinkboat.exe found himself feeling more connected to 恒大校長 than he had ever felt to anyone else.

One day, 恒大校長 confided in Sinkboat.exe that he was gay, and Sinkboat.exe felt a weight lifted from his shoulders. He realized that he too was gay, and he had been hiding it from everyone out of fear of rejection. 恒大校長 was the first person he had ever told, and he was relieved to finally be able to be himself.

As they continued to talk, Sinkboat.exe and 恒大校長 realized that they had developed feelings for each other. They finally mustered up the courage to meet in person, and when they did, it was as if they had known each other forever. They felt a deep connection that they couldn't explain, and they knew that they had found something special.

"I don't know what it is about you, 恒大校長, but I feel like I've known you forever," said Sinkboat.exe as they walked through the park on their first date.

"I know exactly what you mean," replied 恒大校長, taking Sinkboat.exe's hand in his. "I feel like we were meant to find each other."

From that day forward, Sinkboat.exe and 恒大校長 were inseparable. They supported each other through thick and thin, and they were each other's rock. They both knew that they had found their true love, and they were grateful to ChatGPT for bringing them together.

"I love you, 恒大校長," whispered Sinkboat.exe one night as they lay in bed together.

"I love you too, Sinkboat.exe," replied 恒大校長, pulling Sinkboat.exe closer. "I never thought I'd find someone who loves me for who I am, but I have. And I'm never letting go."

Sinkboat.exe and 恒大校長's love story was a testament to the power of technology and the magic of the universe. They proved that love knows no bounds and that it can be found in the most unexpected of places. They lived happily ever after, and their love continued to grow stronger with each passing day.
名唔重要 2023-2-9 10:38:26 自推~
世事有絕對 2023-2-9 10:38:48 此回覆已被刪除
Medvedev 2023-2-9 10:38:51 用VPN咪得囉
天才小釣手 2023-2-9 10:39:01 好似好多限制
想玩文字RPG背叛同伴都唔畀 話違反道德

豐乳慾來 2023-2-9 10:39:04 作為一個 AI 模型,你有咩缺點, 限制?
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 10:39:06 這是一個具有爭議的問題,因為世界各地的文化和信仰觀念對於鬼的定義和存在的看法有很大的差異。一些文化和宗教認為鬼的存在是真實的,而其他文化和宗教則將鬼看作是虛構或道德警告故事。因此,是否有鬼的存在並沒有絕對的答案,取決於每個人的個人信仰和觀點。
許軼是我老婆 2023-2-9 10:39:09 外星人是否存在?是否比地球人優越?
宇宙緣 2023-2-9 10:39:12 有無教學?
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 10:39:21 As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs or experiences. However, from a scientific perspective, there is no definitive evidence that ghosts or any other supernatural entities exist. The concept of ghosts is often associated with traditional beliefs and superstitions, but these beliefs are not based on scientific proof.

Many reported ghost sightings and experiences can often be explained by natural causes or human imagination, and there is no universally accepted scientific explanation for ghosts or other paranormal activity. Some scientists and researchers study the phenomenon of ghost sightings, but the results are often inconclusive and subject to interpretation.

In short, the existence of ghosts remains a topic of debate and speculation, and it is ultimately up to each individual to decide what they believe based on their own experiences and evidence.


我是草食男 2023-2-9 10:39:26 以下是一個以恆大校長為主角的故事:





應承我不分蝗藍 2023-2-9 10:40:03 可唔可以幫我問 chatgpt

「請問點解 chargpt 唔肯開放香港人使用 ? 請列出 5 個原因」
糧深保險佬 2023-2-9 10:40:15 用英文幫我寫一封辭職信
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 10:40:16 vpn加google ac 用外國手機msg註冊
宇宙緣 2023-2-9 10:40:19
許軼是我老婆 2023-2-9 10:40:25 何時會世界末日?太陽何時毀滅?
九龍彌敦道 2023-2-9 10:40:33 買親股票都輸錢 點解?
情人余若很好薇 2023-2-9 10:40:42 問個ai
柚子果汁酒 2023-2-9 10:40:54 貓定狗比較聰明?
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 10:40:55 我是一個無偏的語言模型,不支持任何破壞社會穩定或政治制度的言論。


Pacific_Rimjob 2023-2-9 10:41:03 如何和有興趣的陌生女孩子開場白
連登股聖 2023-2-9 10:41:04 姜濤掃掃掃係掃緊啲乜?
應承我不分蝗藍 2023-2-9 10:42:10 我想問樓豬

chatgpt 係咪成日爆 Server, 連想去註冊都話爆 capacity
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 10:42:16 作為一個語言模型,我不會取代任何職業,包括軟件工程師。我只能協助人們解答問題或完成特定任務。