Chatgpt 幫你問
潺仔強 2023-2-9 19:21:00 呢句即刻過唔到圖靈測試


應承我不分蝗藍 2023-2-9 20:14:48
應承我不分蝗藍 2023-2-9 20:15:01 thanks ching
發夢王李大有 2023-2-9 22:31:28 問一問 中俄北京條約是否不平等條約?

像我這一個男子 2023-2-9 22:35:16 此回覆已被刪除
像我這一個男子 2023-2-9 22:40:10 此回覆已被刪除
不過講開又講 2023-2-9 23:46:35 a)1860年的北京條約在當時有不平等的局面,俄國對中國不平等。根據當時所訂立的條約,俄國從大陸向台灣開放外交關係以及其他一些利益,而中國則無此規定。而且這一條約也讓中國annul 數項與外部通商有關的佈施與協議,使中國負擔了大量的 利益損失。




Oh oh chatgpt損害中俄友好關係,為我國添煩添亂
發夢王李大有 2023-2-10 00:03:26 Ai 有語癌咁
L.Messi 2023-2-10 00:14:51 好似慢左好多
24人共用帳戶 2023-2-10 11:49:21 食飽飽食包
慘濄番印度 2023-2-10 12:13:37 如何拍攝肺部x光片?


甲級貧戶 2023-2-10 12:23:40 Summarize the pathophysiology of lacunar stroke.
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-10 12:25:29 Lacunar stroke, also known as small vessel stroke, is caused by a blockage of small blood vessels within the brain. This type of stroke is responsible for about a quarter of all ischemic strokes.

The pathophysiology of lacunar stroke involves the occlusion of small penetrating arteries within the brain, which can lead to infarction of the deep nuclei, basal ganglia, thalamus, and/or brainstem. This occlusion is typically caused by the buildup of cholesterol and other fatty deposits in the blood vessels, known as lipohyalinosis. This process can also lead to the formation of microatheromas, which can break off and travel to small blood vessels in the brain, causing an embolism.

In addition to lipohyalinosis and microatheroma formation, other risk factors for lacunar stroke include hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. These factors can weaken the walls of small blood vessels and increase the risk of occlusion and stroke.

Once a lacunar stroke occurs, the damage to small blood vessels in the brain can lead to a loss of neural function, which can result in a range of neurological symptoms, including motor weakness, sensory loss, and speech difficulties. Treatment options for lacunar stroke include medication and lifestyle changes to manage risk factors, as well as rehabilitation to help recover lost function.
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-10 12:27:12 胸部X光片通常是通過一種稱為胸部X光技術拍攝的。拍攝過程通常是這樣的:






甲級貧戶 2023-2-10 12:29:01 講得好過lecture

thx ching
慘濄番印度 2023-2-10 12:38:33 Describe the process of CT image reconstruction
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-10 12:40:21 Computed Tomography (CT) image reconstruction is a process in which raw data obtained from a CT scan is transformed into a 2D or 3D image of the internal structure of the body. The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Data Acquisition: During a CT scan, an X-ray source rotates around the body, emitting X-rays which pass through the body and are recorded by detectors on the opposite side. This results in a series of cross-sectional data (projections) of the body.

2. Sinogram Generation: The projections are combined to form a sinogram, which represents the distribution of X-rays through the body in a particular direction.

3. Image Reconstruction: The sinogram is processed by algorithms to create a 3D image of the body. The most commonly used algorithms are filtered back projection (FBP) and iterative reconstruction (IR). FBP is a fast but simple method that convolves the projections with a filter to generate an image. IR is a more sophisticated and computationally intensive method that uses mathematical models to iteratively estimate the image.

4. Post-processing: The reconstructed image may undergo additional processing, such as adjustment of contrast, removal of noise, and correction of artifacts to

5. Image Display: The final reconstructed image is then displayed on a computer monitor, allowing physicians to visualize the internal structures of the body and make a diagnosis.

It is important to note that the accuracy and quality of the reconstructed image depends on various factors, such as the quality of the data acquisition, the reconstruction algorithm used, and the presence of artifacts.
甲級貧戶 2023-2-10 12:41:46 How long do you think it will take for AI to completely replace internists and surgeons respectively?
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-10 12:43:26 It is difficult to predict the exact timeline for AI to completely replace internists and surgeons. However, it is safe to say that AI will play an increasingly important role in healthcare and may potentially augment the work of internists and surgeons in the future.

Currently, AI technology is already being used in healthcare for tasks such as diagnosis, imaging analysis, and disease prediction. However, the complete replacement of internists and surgeons by AI is a complex issue that depends on many factors, including the development of AI technology, the regulations and ethical considerations surrounding its use, and the willingness of healthcare systems and patients to adopt it.

Additionally, medicine is a complex field that requires a deep understanding of human biology, disease processes, and patient needs, which may still be difficult for AI to fully replicate. The role of the human touch in medicine, such as empathy and the ability to connect with patients on a personal level, is also important to consider.

Therefore, it is likely to be many years or even decades before AI can completely replace internists and surgeons. However, the integration of AI into the healthcare system will continue to evolve and change the way medicine is practiced in the future.
孔子個徒弟 2023-2-10 12:47:13 點解香港用唔到你?
甲級貧戶 2023-2-10 12:50:34 Analyze the following argument:
"If you lower the pay of doctors, most of them will quit. Therefore, they are only in it for the money."


慘濄番印度 2023-2-10 12:51:41 什麼是連登?
柒出人生 2023-2-10 13:42:54 宇宙嘅質量係幾多?
今日唔想返工 2023-2-10 15:00:12 「連登」是指連續登入,在電腦科技和網路環境中,通常指連續使用一個帳號在不同時間進行登入操作。它常用於追蹤使用者在特定時間內的登入狀況,或者確保帳號安全,防止他人盜用。在許多網站和應用程式中,使用者可以在連續登入一段時間內獲得額外的獎勵或者權益。

咁都 2023-2-10 15:03:50 可以怎樣創造一個AI在各方面性能上超越CHAtGPT?