Chatgpt 幫你問
404用戶 2023-2-9 11:51:32 人類值唔值得生存?


宇宙緣 2023-2-9 11:51:36 都幾肯定背後有人手操控
慘過番印度 2023-2-9 11:53:02 觀塘有咩餐廳推介?
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:53:09 GPT: This is a complex and philosophical question, and as an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. The question of whether humanity is worthy of survival is a subjective one and depends on individual perspectives and values.

STAN: Whether or not humanity is worthy of survival is a matter of perspective. On one hand, humans have created incredible works of art, made tremendous scientific advancements, and shown great capacity for love, compassion, and kindness. On the other hand, humans have also caused incredible destruction, engaged in numerous wars, and shown great cruelty and disregard for the natural world.

Ultimately, the answer to whether humanity is worthy of survival depends on how one weighs the positive and negative aspects of human behavior. Some might argue that despite our flaws, the good that humans have done outweighs the bad, and that we are therefore worthy of survival. Others might argue that our destructive tendencies render us unworthy of survival.

In the end, it is up to each individual to determine for themselves whether humanity is worthy of survival, based on their own values and beliefs.
下面係摩打 2023-2-9 11:53:13 中學生應否猛鬼?
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 11:53:43 GPT: I don't have the information on the specific restaurants in Kwun Tong, but you can use popular websites such as TripAdvisor, OpenTable, or Zomato to find restaurants and read reviews from other diners to help you choose.

STAN: In Kwun Tong, there are many fantastic restaurants to choose from! Some local favorites include "Delicious Kitchen" for its traditional Cantonese cuisine, "La Pasta" for its delicious Italian dishes, and "Kwun Tong BBQ" for its mouthwatering grilled meats. No matter what your taste buds are craving, you're sure to find something you love in Kwun Tong!
慘過番印度 2023-2-9 11:54:32 都幾準
Beethoven. 2023-2-9 11:55:58 移民加拿大定英國好?
在芭堤雅愛上你 2023-2-9 11:56:43 如何有效打倒共產黨?
像我這一個男子 2023-2-9 11:56:56 此回覆已被刪除
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 11:57:38 如果您在观塘附近,您可以尝试以下几家餐厅:
神戶牛肉餐廳 - 以日式神戶牛肉闻名,提供高质量的牛肉料理。
全聚德烤鸭餐廳 - 以传统的北京烤鸭闻名,提供香嫩多汁的鸭肉。
國興海鮮酒家 - 提供新鲜的海鲜和粤菜菜肴。
富記豬扒飯 - 提供经典的香港菜式,如豬扒飯和炒饭。


打黑行動 2023-2-9 12:00:01 此回覆已被刪除
好行 2023-2-9 12:00:13 只要你肯扯旗,增長一倍以上都不是問題。請釐清你的問題
咪咪魔魔 2023-2-9 12:01:11

問下Googl AI 答錯點樣累到甲骨文股價跌破百元?

有線新聞將公司 Alphabet 強行翻譯為中文甲骨文會連累股價下跌幾多
3321 2023-2-9 12:03:04 有個農場,雞嘅數目係鴨嘅4倍,鴨比豬少9隻,鴨加埋豬嘅總和係67,咁成個農場加埋有幾多隻腳?
他只是個孩子.jpg 2023-2-9 12:04:11 此回覆已被刪除
慘過番印度 2023-2-9 12:04:30 聽都未過
~你老母~ 2023-2-9 12:06:38 1: 形容下破處感覺?

2: 形容下點解屌閪會咁爽?

3: 點解見到靚女就想屌佢?
好行 2023-2-9 12:08:32 暫時無可能,五毛就應該會,因為嚟嚟去去都係回覆果幾句
好行 2023-2-9 12:09:56 1. 首先,你要小學畢業
2. 請參考連登潮文,在此不贅
Vitamin.B12 2023-2-9 12:12:43 Kwun Tong BBQ是咪百里香


一式陸攻 2023-2-9 12:13:00 請指出人生最重要的五個目標。
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 12:13:04 讓我們用 x 表示雞的數量,鴨的數量就是 4x。
豬的數量就是 x - 9。
因此,x + 4x + (x - 9) = 67,綜合後得到 6x = 76。
因此,x = 12,所以一共有 12 + 4 * 12 + (12 - 9) = 12 + 48 + 3 = 63 隻腳。
sinkboat.exe 2023-2-9 12:17:48 佢話係非法行為
除暴go 2023-2-9 12:17:59 被強姦都要表示尊重對方的立場和利益,並對對方的擔憂和關切給予充分的考慮
