麵包仔追悼會之多倫多生活討論區 56
白沢かなえ 2023-2-15 11:06:31


CNTower 2023-2-15 11:06:40 https://www.economical.com/en/blog/economical-blog/august-2020/home-insurance-coverage-for-spoiled-food

Home insurance coverage for spoiled food
Written by Stephanie Fereiro | Published on: August 19, 2020 | Categories: Home insurance

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The value of your food can add up quickly, especially if you have a deep freezer filled with meat, seafood, and other big-ticket items. So, what happens if there’s a power outage or your fridge or freezer malfunctions? Thankfully, your home insurance policy has you covered.

What is food spoilage coverage?
Food spoilage coverage is designed to protect you if the contents of your fridge or freezer are spoiled because of a power outage or technical malfunction. This coverage is included in most standard home, tenant, and condo insurance policies.

Common exclusions of food spoilage coverage
Food spoilage coverage only covers spoilage as a result of a power outage or a malfunction in your fridge or freezer. If you’ve accidentally unplugged your freezer or left the door open, you won’t be covered.

How do you make a food spoilage insurance claim?
The first thing you should do when you need to make a food spoilage claim is contact your broker or your insurance company’s 24-hour claims service line to get the process started. Generally speaking, you’ll be expected to provide a list of all of the spoiled items, as well as photos — so don’t throw it out before you get all the information you need.

Does your deductible apply when you make a food spoilage claim?
Yes, your home insurance deductible will apply if you make a claim for food spoilage. So, if your deductible is $1,000 and you lose $200 worth of food in a power outage, you won’t be able to claim the loss. But if you have $2,000 worth of food in your deep freezer and all of it is spoiled, you could get $1,000 back from your insurance company (after paying your $1,000 deductible).

If you have questions about the food spoilage coverage included in your own home insurance policy, review your policy documents or contact your licensed insurance broker.
抑鬱十二月 2023-2-15 11:15:44 點keep個爐頭咁乾淨
可摸以轉工啊 2023-2-15 11:16:16 Thanks uncle

即係雪櫃啲嘢value over $1000先有得claim得翻入我袋? 不過我雪櫃啲嘢都唔夠$1000
可摸以轉工啊 2023-2-15 11:17:09
EddieHall 2023-2-15 11:22:29 我都係喺Costco買三文魚就咁生食
是旦啦吊(A0) 2023-2-15 11:24:55 發泡膠嗰隻?
毒得清閒 2023-2-15 11:24:56 好mind brown
笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-2-15 11:27:52 刺身級同普通唔同
加拿大黎生 2023-2-15 11:29:39 有蟲架
v6FeC7cgcgigkRa 2023-2-15 11:34:56 要賭命既話買急凍都安全啲


NSAHK 2023-2-15 11:43:31 https://lihkg.com/thread/3307009
EddieHall 2023-2-15 11:43:48 睇Reddit啲鬼仔都係咁食
米咪瞇銤 2023-2-15 11:46:51 除非係壽司個d我絕對唔敢生食
米咪瞇銤 2023-2-15 11:50:05 好想借錢買定期
呢到personal loan做到9-10厘
NSAHK 2023-2-15 11:51:14 加拿大國家安全情報局消息人士透露,總理杜魯多及高級助手曾兩次被警告,國會議員與安省自由黨前內閣部長陳國治(Michael Chan)商談政治事務時要謹慎,因陳疑與中國駐多倫多總領事館關係密切;陳國治現為萬錦市副市長,2019年香港爆發反送中運動期間,曾在加拿大出席支持香港警察集會。



報導並指,情報局觀察到陳國治在過去數年,與中國外交人員會面,一位消息人士稱他為「疑似情報人員」;此外還包括前駐多倫多總領館副總領事莊耀東,該消息人士說,情報局認為莊處理多倫多總領事館外的安全事務。中國外交人員對陳國治的代號為「部長(The Minister)」。







CNTower 2023-2-15 12:36:39 https://www.tastingtable.com/739884/is-it-safe-to-eat-raw-salmon/

You'd never think to eat undercooked chicken or a raw pork chop, and even very rare steak is iffy, but when it comes to salmon, you could go either way. Nothing quite compares to lox on a bagel, and if you go out for sushi, there's a good chance you'll end up ordering salmon sashimi. In its raw state, salmon tastes pure and unrefined without being overly fishy, and it has a uniquely buttery texture you just can't get from cooked salmon. 

Many prefer to consume it raw, but the question remains: Is it actually safe to do so? Healthline says yes, but not without risk. Even if you're eating salmon fresh out of the ocean, the fish can still be ridden with bacteria and parasites absorbed from the natural environment. The only way to kill these pathogens would be to cook the salmon to at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit. When you eat salmon raw, therefore, you risk contracting a foodborne illness.

What salmon is safest to eat raw?
Sergey Ryzhov/Shutterstock
Unless you decide to bring your salmon to a lab and test it, there's really no way of knowing for sure if your salmon is 100% safe to eat raw. However, knowing what to look for at the grocery store certainly helps. The Grocery Store Guy claims that farm-raised, flash-frozen salmon is the safest option. Because farm-raised salmon are fed a controlled diet, whereas wild-caught salmon openly consume prey potentially infected with parasites, they're much safer to eat raw. 

Look for packaging that specifies "farmed Atlantic salmon" or "farmed Alaskan salmon." These will typically be labeled "safe for raw consumption" as well. You might also see "sushi-grade" on some labels, but The Grocery Store Guy says this is only marketing jargon. Since parasites are killed at -31 degrees Fahrenheit, you're better off looking for salmon specifically labelled as "flash-frozen" over "sushi-grade." But, if you already bought your salmon and are unsure of it's quality, it's probably best to cook it rather than risk eating it raw.
CNTower 2023-2-15 12:40:35 Never borrow money to invest in fixed income.
CNTower 2023-2-15 12:42:17 陳國治-一早就收咗錢啦。正仆街
Reborn1989 2023-2-15 12:49:42 有冇人知乾衣 點樣先可以令到啲杉唔縮
uncle黑 2023-2-15 13:20:17 有冇跟洗水嘜去乾先?

呢邊咁乾燥 我洗完晾起就算 一、兩日就乾啦 除咗床單被鋪冇地方晾先用乾衣機


孫彩瑛 2023-2-15 13:21:11
三萬香檳 2023-2-15 13:38:16 我多數睇label 唔擺得入乾衣機就晾
關你蛋治咩? 2023-2-15 14:00:36
夏冬 2023-2-15 14:20:05 大統華見過