麵包仔追悼會之多倫多生活討論區 56
那日見 2023-2-12 21:42:40 升左啦 最近加左息


遊雲 2023-2-12 21:43:36 兩個平時差0.5
Reborn1989 2023-2-12 21:47:17 依家再轉得唔得
廢老開心果 2023-2-12 21:51:12
加拿大黎生 2023-2-12 21:57:20 你連續3個月都做redeemable

我唔做人啦JOJO!! 2023-2-12 22:56:20 斬200年老樹

遊雲 2023-2-12 23:08:37 有無資料?
遊雲 2023-2-12 23:09:38 等3個月再轉一次
Reborn1989 2023-2-12 23:20:28 上個禮拜先開始做的
遊雲 2023-2-12 23:24:47 咁問番真係多左既不如即cut再做啦
米咪瞇銤 2023-2-12 23:32:31 一個星期就即cut la
我上年6月做左個3.05% 要到6月先完


加拿大黎生 2023-2-12 23:36:56 做乜咁睇唔開做non redeem
辣椒釀龜頭 2023-2-12 23:39:08 今年二月係咪特別暖,下個星期基本上都係正數,有日上到14度㖭
米咪瞇銤 2023-2-12 23:48:58 成個冬天都好暖

米咪瞇銤 2023-2-12 23:49:54 個時無諗咁多
Cron 2023-2-12 23:53:20 HSBC redeemable 做緊4.65
Reborn1989 2023-2-12 23:56:13 係⋯⋯
辣椒釀龜頭 2023-2-13 00:15:57 有冇人試過no name嘅杯麵同即食麵,伏唔伏
吾用口罩 2023-2-13 00:20:04 因為未來都唔會再點加息,有5好快做
吾用口罩 2023-2-13 00:21:02 扣稅得返3.75 又唔計?
我不是唐紫睿 2023-2-13 00:25:27 係今年特別暖


我不是唐紫睿 2023-2-13 00:27:49 之前有位絲喺其他多倫多/加拿大post搵緊呢隻洗頭水,之前Costco無哂,而家返返貨啦


CNTower 2023-2-13 00:36:54 Average rate does not reflect the tax on the additional income.
Use the marginal rate (31.48% in this estimate) to calculate the additional tax on the next $1.00 income.

Another issue... If your estimated taxes on the additional income exceeded $3,000, you have to submit tax instalments or you may be subject to instalment interest penalties.


Required tax instalments for individuals
Who has to pay
You may have to pay tax by instalments if your income does not have enough tax withheld or if you are self-employed, have rental or investment income, certain pension payments, or have income from more than one job.

Province or territory where you live
The province or territory where you live on December 31 determines your net tax owing for tax instalments.

All residents (except Quebec): Option 1 of 2
If your net tax owing is more than $3,000.
Net tax owing
Use the calculation chart for instalment payments for 2023 (PDF) to determine your estimated net tax owing and the total instalment amount you owe.

You have to pay your income tax by instalments for 2023 if both apply:

Net tax owing in 2023
If your net tax owing is more than $3,000, or $1,800 for Quebec.

Net tax owing in 2022 or 2021
If your net tax owing in either 2022 or 2021 is also more than $3,000, or $1,800 for Quebec.
CNTower 2023-2-13 00:40:20 我屋企有兩個, 每一百蚊既利息收入要俾$53.50稅
加拿大黎生 2023-2-13 00:42:42 假設我收息收$3萬
你覺得邊個先係additional income?
我會睇avg tax rate 大數咁睇