07/02/2023 OWP延長2年+10年grad/ stream B冇
走咗未 2023-2-7 10:28:03 理論上得 不是你要確保你top up degree 過到ECA


羽生結弦bb 2023-2-7 10:28:34 我個個係hkuspace
羽生結弦bb 2023-2-7 10:29:57 我岩岩check了wes 係ok
判你死刑 2023-2-7 10:32:05 都係要5年內大專畢業再報嘅 post grad diploma/cert 先算
咩菇咩菇Fire 2023-2-7 10:32:59 點解我地13/14既無?
走咗未 2023-2-7 10:34:24 你25年幾多月grad 到
你要預時間申請owp 同足一年 係至少一年做嘢

你年尾grad 就趕唔切
張cert 如果6月 都好趕
乞食流浪漢 2023-2-7 10:36:05 唔係喎
Stream B deadline係2025年2月
要焗住行stream A
Westface 2023-2-7 10:39:02 Owp先係2025.2 dead
Stream b係2026.8.31 dead,佢可以一grad就申請owp, stream b dead前喺加拿大做夠一年就得
乞食流浪漢 2023-2-7 10:41:57

咁其實buffer time都好多
走咗未 2023-2-7 10:42:33
如果你19年6月 grad

24年-5年=19年 好趕

1.你有owp 未
2. 預計到達加拿大時間
3. 預計開工時間
4. 你張cert 嘅月份
5. 你過唔過到ECA
走咗未 2023-2-7 10:43:24 你太太可以一齊入stream A/B or EE


走咗未 2023-2-7 10:44:42 啲人話我係agent


俾哂tg/wtsapp 留佢哋資料啦
走咗未 2023-2-7 10:47:16 加拿大啲course 大部分都係5月/9月 入學
佢哋講2年diploma 所以係24年1月

如果係post grad cert 1年咪25年1月
Tsungyeah 2023-2-7 10:51:30 邊度可以睇到計時間詳情?
走咗未 2023-2-7 10:54:19 你想行stream B?

1.你首先 pg diploma要過ECA like WES
2. 跟住如果你係用pg d 申請
係你讀Pgd 之前 5年內 要有degree

If you have a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate
You must also have completed a post-secondary diploma or degree (from Canada or from abroad), as a prerequisite to this graduate or post-graduate program.

You must have completed this prerequisite diploma or degree in the 5 years before you started your graduate or post-graduate program.

3. Then owp
4. Then stream B/EE
走咗未 2023-2-7 10:56:20 你上網直接google Canada citizenship application
寶馬小伶 2023-2-7 10:57:07
Tsungyeah 2023-2-7 11:04:05 搵過好似冇話PR 前時間計50%
走咗未 2023-2-7 11:06:46 Time you’ve lived in Canada (physical presence)
You (and some minors, if applicable) must have been physically in Canada for at least 1,095 days (3 years) during the 5 years before the date you sign your application.

We encourage you to apply with more than 1,095 days of living in Canada in case there’s a problem with the calculation.

In your calculation, you may be able to include some of the time you spent

in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person

Each day spent in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person within the last 5 years counts as one half day when you calculate your physical presence. You can use a maximum of 365 days as a temporary resident or protected person toward your time spent in Canada.

A temporary resident is someone who is authorized to enter or stay in Canada as a:

worker or
temporary resident permit holder

Tsungyeah 2023-2-7 11:08:38 感謝
睇樓巴 2023-2-7 12:12:57 sor top up degree 我唔熟


羽生結弦bb 2023-2-7 12:14:37 計返今年9月讀 14個月 即係下年2024/11畢業
走咗未 2023-2-7 12:55:33 Ok
走咗未 2023-2-7 12:56:34 可以
屎忽撞柱 2023-2-7 12:58:16 20年畢業想24年走,可以行邊條路呢?