07/02/2023 OWP延長2年+10年grad/ stream B冇
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:19:59 OWP:
Extend 2年 至 02/07/2025
Within 10年 畢業

Stream B: 冇變

1. 23/24 grad 恭喜你 可以owp+ stream B

2. 14/15/16/17/18 grad可以owp + EE/PNP
冇stream B


走咗未 2023-2-6 23:22:55 啲人啲post 太亂
長期急屎 2023-2-6 23:24:50 港孩:咩呀?OWP同stream b咪同一樣野嚟囉
你老豆老母大減價 2023-2-6 23:26:28 果d加拿大KOl 知名ig page 黎cap圖算啦
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:27:19 一定會有
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:29:42 有啲人PR 埋都唔識分
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:33:17
PanzerVI 2023-2-6 23:39:36 終極撚狗, 見到D人發晒癲就笑到gap gap聲

之前以為佢會stream B放寛, 心情好矛盾
但另一方面真心唔想俾o個D有咁上下年紀又唔肯付出o個D黎. stream A又話貴又嫌徙時間, OWP搏下又唔肯 (唔係話走難咩?咁有乜本錢嫌三嫌四呀.)

而家問題解決左, 後生有得走, 無得道德騎劫話幫唔到後生仔

仲俾多個機會你, OWP extend左兩年, 想走o個D一係stream A一係讀返個master進修下la.
IT小妹 2023-2-6 23:44:14 想問下如果25年先grad 係咪趕唔切
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:46:13 Canada extends and expands open work permit program for Hong Kong residents

From: IRCC
News release
February 6, 2023—Scarborough, Ontario—
Sean Fraser, Minister of IRCC

announced today that Canada is
extending and expanding the open work permit program for eligible HK residents.

1. Canada is extending the deadline to apply and expanding eligibility to Hong Kong residents who have graduated within the past 10 years from a post-secondary learning institution in Canada or abroad.

2. The extended deadline for eligible Hong Kong residents to apply for an open work permit is February 7, 2025.

This means that more Hong Kongers can pursue their career goals and gain valuable work experience in Canada for up to 3 years. Previously, applicants had to have graduated within the past 5 years.

Government of Canada has established 2 pathways to permanent residence for eligible Hong Kong applicants and their families.
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:46:51 原文: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2023/02/canada-extends-and-expands-open-work-permit-program-for-hong-kong-residents.html


走咗未 2023-2-6 23:47:42 23/24 grad
welcome to Canada
Helllo Canada
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:48:54 唔得
除非你早到一個Sem grad 可能搏到
睇你幾時有confirm grad 張嘢
美素佳兒 2023-2-6 23:49:31 都係呢到最清晰
出面好多人以為stream b extend 左
鬆弛熊寶寶 2023-2-6 23:49:57
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:50:50 哩到大家討論方便啲

大家其他post 仲係好亂
李鎮森的臂彎 2023-2-6 23:51:56 如果蒸B唔跟住改
IT小妹 2023-2-6 23:54:55 多謝巴打
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:55:54 佢今次完全唔肯改
Stream B 不變
喊波子 2023-2-6 23:56:56 stream b 本身係有冇 deadline
見到有啲寫2026 dead
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:57:42 建議chur 爆summer sem
問academic advisors/學生支援服務


鬆弛熊寶寶 2023-2-6 23:57:45 間接講咗需要後生
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:58:29 This public policy will be in effect from June 1, 2021, to August 31, 2026.
走咗未 2023-2-6 23:59:15 做咗幾年嘢就要prove 自己對加拿大有用
SSRI 2023-2-7 00:01:19