多倫多生活討論區 55
CNTower 2023-2-4 21:23:50 上個post:
多倫多生活討論區 54
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區



平既有eddit bauer, save the duck, point zero, soia&kyo
中價有the north face, Columbia, Patagonia, fjallraven
貴價有moose knuckle, nobis, Mackage, hally hansen, parajumpers, Arc'teryx
再貴有canada goose, moncler
每個牌子都有唔同價位選擇 豐儉由人

credit 各大巴絲




Richmond Hill / Markham 一浸大陸味狗也不住
North York 周街香港人 似荃灣 唔融入
Downtown 周街白卡極危險
Midtown 永續line5工程 沙塵滾滾
Etobicoke 貧富懸殊嚴重 融入唔到
Mississauga 冇啖好食 垃圾
Scarborough 治安差好危險
Vaughan + Jane & Finch 日日槍林彈雨
Brampton 慘過返印度
Oakville 周街土豪大陸人
Newmarket / Aurora - 返鄉下耕田?
Pickering - 等中核幅射
Hamilton /Burlington/ Ajax / Oshawa 咁撚遠點住
Vancouver 物價貴 成日落雨垃圾天氣
Calgary/ Edmonton/ Regina / Winnipeg凍到仆街好荒蕪
Ottawa 除左政府大樓仲有咩
Montreal/ Quebec 法文都唔識去條春
Saint John / Halifax 除咗釣魚有咩做?

Condo apartment 細過狗籠不如番香港
House 麻撚煩成日要maintenance
Townhouse 木造勁應聲勁嘈


突破追入set止蝕 2023-2-4 21:29:26 How to reach 6 figures in Canada?
I think most of people are not making close to 6 figures at any age.
楊岳橋的Deadbody 2023-2-4 21:29:36 唔該uncle開post
詩歌賦 2023-2-4 21:40:15 想問下上網買食材係去咩網買?
將軍澳巴打 2023-2-4 21:58:15 想問下大家開咗Fido大約幾耐先會收到Account Agreement個啲

尋日晏晝去搞 個店員話轉頭會有但仲未收到
綠帽鹿角 2023-2-4 21:58:21 咩食材?基本上大型連鎖超市都有online store
可送貨亦可pick up
CNTower 2023-2-4 22:00:55 we have 3 in my house.
two chartered accountants and one lawyer
CNTower 2023-2-4 22:02:38 啱啱係1001. 無偈
我不是唐紫睿 2023-2-4 22:03:06 LM
CNTower 2023-2-4 22:04:11 #974

8 小時前
tax year 係計2022 1月-12月
報captial loss可唔可以報埋1月至4月既loss?
do you have HK stocks when you landed in Canada?
yes, but US stock

Do you have the last trading price of these stock stock on the day you landed?
k00kder 2023-2-4 22:31:48


k00kder 2023-2-4 22:35:45
突破追入set止蝕 2023-2-4 22:37:29

So 9 sad

Only 11% of working in Canada earn 6 figures salaries.
將軍澳巴打 2023-2-4 22:39:25
加拿大黎生 2023-2-4 22:40:16 Workers not working
廢老開心果 2023-2-4 22:41:24 唔係專業人士,基本上都要30中至40中先會慢慢上到6位數

加拿大黎生 2023-2-4 22:46:21 隔離post有個人中之龍

- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
綠帽鹿角 2023-2-4 23:02:27 賺咁多有咩用 交撚曬稅

藍色頸巾 2023-2-4 23:03:08 欣賞麵包仔勇氣
廢老開心果 2023-2-4 23:06:24 Agree

綠帽鹿角 2023-2-4 23:34:02 唔使急 最緊要買


CNTower 2023-2-4 23:36:14 I have two with 53.5% marginal tax rate in my house.
收手啦好嗎 2023-2-4 23:39:27 yes
CNTower 2023-2-4 23:43:53 Your gain or loss will be based on the difference between the price of your stock (last known closing price) on the day you landed versus the proceed on disposition after you landed.

You don't have to report any dispositions before you landed.

However, you should read the filing requirements for T1135 if you have foreign assets such as property in HK and foreign stocks exceeding $100,000.
舊香港人 2023-2-5 00:11:17 此回覆已被刪除