[A dream come true!] 車路士球迷討論區
奧斯爾BB 2023-2-3 01:31:24 反安:屌你老母施華狗


C137-Morty 2023-2-3 01:32:47 肯定日扑夜扑腳都軟
李嘉誠的捐款管道 2023-2-3 01:33:10 去繁簡轉換一下好撚難?
妹愛迎肛棒 2023-2-3 01:36:08 抽我啦抽我啦
酥皮蛋撻 2023-2-3 01:38:17
柔道龍虎榜 2023-2-3 01:39:44 維園黨立即俾狗屌
MasonMount(世一) 2023-2-3 01:46:37 此po完結立刻開始
硝酸カリウム 2023-2-3 01:51:20 仲有邊幾條友未找數?
硝酸カリウム 2023-2-3 01:51:36 依家Day幾?
金智珉(Monday) 2023-2-3 01:51:48 兩個美國佬學人睇波
酥皮蛋撻 2023-2-3 01:54:07 俾你屌


Yocsuchin 2023-2-3 01:54:56 https://twitter.com/cfcdaily/status/1621203697198923778?s=46&t=Zx_0YLLch3Xgwq7Z-9BNXQ
坐洗頭艇啦喂 2023-2-3 01:59:20 Mxxxx_Cxxxxxxxx
DK.ShowMaker 2023-2-3 02:01:06 呢對孖寶好J過飯+猛
黑柴飼養員 2023-2-3 02:04:48 https://twitter.com/LondonBluePod/status/1621200389856202752?s=20&t=GwJy_CvJhssFTrThQ0vMfQ
堺雅人 2023-2-3 02:04:49 Graham Potter:

"The ambition will never be to finish fourth, or to finish third, or to finish second. That’s the ambition of this club, it's to win. The signings we’ve made indicate that’s our intention."

RoyHK 2023-2-3 02:07:22 Enzo 無train
堺雅人 2023-2-3 02:07:46 Graham Potter:

"You can see the direction we've gone down in terms of the type of player we've tried to sign. We're trying to build something for the now and the future and it's always about how they help the players that are here and how we lift performance."
Gae_u_jin 2023-2-3 02:13:04 夠態先上陣,真係唔傷得
かく煮 2023-2-3 02:24:16 死黑記幾日loop一次嚟呃稿費悶唔悶啲
堺雅人 2023-2-3 02:33:01


Meshuggah 2023-2-3 02:33:48 1001
Meshuggah 2023-2-3 02:34:19 1001
Meshuggah 2023-2-3 02:34:37 1001
Meshuggah 2023-2-3 02:34:50 留名