有在外港人近期郵遞申請續領特區護照 被入境處通知必須親自返港辦理 不能寄往中國領事館再取!
五仁月餅好好食 2023-2-1 17:16:07 呢本野d免簽國家少到喊
同埋正常人用BNO visa黎嘅基本上都拎唔到


夢追人 2023-2-1 17:19:43
喜愛。中出 2023-2-1 17:20:53 此回覆已被刪除
五仁月餅好好食 2023-2-1 17:21:49
喜愛。中出 2023-2-1 17:22:48 此回覆已被刪除
加乘哥 2023-2-1 17:24:54 本護照過期,可唔可以訂機票?
撚屌:o) 2023-2-1 17:25:52 此回覆已被刪除
火山口旁抽插 2023-2-1 17:25:55 可以
模EE 2023-2-1 17:26:24 巴打小心自爆
櫻桃花粟鼠 2023-2-1 17:31:12 此回覆已被刪除
ネットスフィア 2023-2-1 17:31:39 講到咁神通廣大


模EE 2023-2-1 17:32:03 其實你有無㩒到入你條link 度睇下

你quote 果段係overview 黎,但係你㩒入去how to apply --> 就會見到佢第二條問題要你揀apply 以下四選一
1. One-way travel document --> 俾d 要永久離開英國唔會再返黎既人用一次性文件
2. Certificate of travel --> 要你prove 你有緊要事一定要離開英國
3. Stateless person's travel document --> 申請人要被英國政府判定為無國籍
4. Refugee travel document --> 申請人要被英國政府判定為難民

即係話用BNO visa 入境既人係唔會申請到呢本野
模EE 2023-2-1 17:32:54 *how to apply --> online form
DAN_DAN 2023-2-1 17:32:55 BNO可以去任何中國(香港)以外嘅地方

模EE 2023-2-1 17:34:27 最受影響係唔夠16 歲,自己無BNO 跟阿爸阿媽走果班
本廁板得五年,點都起碼有一年(ILR 至到拎到BC 果段時間) 無任何護照俾佢地出境
ネットスフィア 2023-2-1 17:34:43 反而想問點解要去申請續領特區護照
插_班女學生 2023-2-1 17:45:33 而家先5+1緊,點會有英國護照
模EE 2023-2-1 17:45:51 Proving you have an important reason to travel
You must provide evidence of why you need to travel urgently, as well as evidence that your passport or emergency travel document application was refused.

The following situations are examples of valid reasons why you might need to travel urgently:

essential employment, business or educational trips (but not holidays)
compelling or compassionate reasons - for example, a family member is seriously ill or has died
religious reasons
是的,長官 2023-2-1 17:46:21 唔一定有bno先可以申請Bno visa喎
小狗芝士🐺 2023-2-1 17:47:57 educational trip…
即係去法國果d field trip都計?
ネットスフィア 2023-2-1 17:50:11 出一出境再用bno入返英國得唔得?


插_班女學生 2023-2-1 17:54:11 首先簽證係跟passport ,而且本身有bno 又點會咁on9用特區護照申請簽證
模EE 2023-2-1 17:54:25 應該係

You must provide evidence of why you need to travel urgently, as well as evidence that your passport or emergency travel document application was refused.

You do not have to prove that you’ve been ‘unreasonably refused’ a passport if one of the following is true:

you have been granted humanitarian protection and it’s been officially accepted you have a fear of your country’s national authorities
you must be in your country to apply for a passport
your country’s national authorities cannot issue passports in the UK or send an application to your own country to be processed


第一個係"apply" 呢個字
你係可以係英國apply 廁所板

第二個係"your country's national authorities cannot issue passport in the UK ..."

綜合我上面既理解,我唔認同用BNO visa 入境既香港人,係無難民身份既情況下可以成功獲批呢本野
ネットスフィア 2023-2-1 17:56:55 申請咗bno visa果5+1年如果特區護照過咗期係咪會當係非法居留
是的,長官 2023-2-1 17:57:37 好似無人咁講過