有在外港人近期郵遞申請續領特區護照 被入境處通知必須親自返港辦理 不能寄往中國領事館再取!
張六常(美屍) 2023-2-1 13:50:02 此回覆已被刪除


張六常(美屍) 2023-2-1 13:51:38 此回覆已被刪除
模EE 2023-2-1 13:52:38



You can apply for a document to travel outside the UK if:
* you are not British
* you cannot use or get a passport from your country’s national authorities
* your country’s national authorities cannot give you a new passport


You do not have to prove that you’ve been unreasonably refused’ a passport if one of the following is true:
* you must be in your country to apply for a passport
* your country’s national authorities cannot issue passports in the UK


To apply you must be living in the UK because of one of the following:
you have permission to stay (known as ‘leave to remain’) or are settled in the UK (known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’), but you cannot get a passport or travel document from your country’s national authorities
You must be in the UK when you apply.

visa =/= leave to remain

thanks for your information
別架超 2023-2-1 13:56:18 此回覆已被刪除
易靈港人話 2023-2-1 13:57:28
解決鶳 2023-2-1 13:57:32
易靈港人話 2023-2-1 14:03:32
性工會做愛小學 2023-2-1 14:03:47 此回覆已被刪除
性工會做愛小學 2023-2-1 14:08:29 此回覆已被刪除
NORIP 2023-2-1 14:09:16 橫掂都收開坦桑尼亞同拉脫維亞再收埋香港都唔爭在啦
IllllI 2023-2-1 14:10:31


易靈港人話 2023-2-1 14:14:36
De_bruyne17 2023-2-1 14:20:23 特衰咪又係二等
雪人404號 2023-2-1 14:28:20 買機票唔使passport?
血鬼術 2023-2-1 14:33:27 佢扣起本護照咁用咩上機番香港?
血鬼術 2023-2-1 14:34:21 巴打係邊申請?
中山大笨象 2023-2-1 14:40:19 理論上中國大使館可以出旅行證。
中山大笨象 2023-2-1 14:41:52 好多國家都有,多數俾難民,香港都有DI。
中山大笨象 2023-2-1 14:42:37 中國大使館可以出張紙俾你上機
dill 2023-2-1 14:47:34 英國版CI

共橙黨·萬碎 2023-2-1 14:50:56 唔危險你唔撚send去支那大使館


鐵浪 2023-2-1 14:52:05 bno visa唔使良民證
鐵浪 2023-2-1 14:54:44 返香港探親先續囉
SiegfriedL 2023-2-1 14:56:21 你見識少,我有個阿叔90/91年想上大陸做生意,遇到咁,即申請移民93年去加拿大開超市,開開折拆而家得3間。佢話最緊要揾到錢有命使
D.B 2023-2-1 14:58:52 我意思係我係香港真係未撚見過去去下廁所冇左個器官呀,係到危言聳聽,大劣係仆街係柒,香港係沉淪,但我真係唔撚信會去個公廁少個腎囉

9 up 都有個底啦cctoy