[DC綜合#19] Welcome to James Gunn討論區
大和田藍子 2023-2-23 20:29:55 此回覆已被刪除


邦拿 2023-2-23 20:31:19 造型應該無Ben 咁多嘛?

Damian_W 2023-2-23 21:22:04 Hawkguy, War Machine
番東 2023-2-23 21:23:42 想講war machine
但嚟講armor war
邦拿 2023-2-23 21:32:44 Hawkguy 有個人劇
Damian_W 2023-2-23 21:39:37 Cyclops
大和田藍子 2023-2-23 22:23:30 此回覆已被刪除
休斯 2023-2-23 22:31:16 James Gunn 確認Andy Muschietti會繼續拍DCU電影

Andy Muschietti Flash theme用17JL唔係用ZSJL
同埋Flash 識Time Travel 幾時變撚咗DCEU設定
阿阿阿阿閃 2023-2-23 22:42:10 轉色可以出多隻玩具
阿阿阿阿閃 2023-2-24 09:55:51 Box office forecast for 'Shazam! Fury of the Gods' are between $43 to $52 million for its three-day opening weekend, according to Box Office Pro.

In comparisons, here are other poor DCEU openings:
- Black Adam ($67M)
- Shazam! ($53M)
- Birds of Prey ($33M)
- The Suicide Squad ($26M)
- Wonder Woman 1984 ($16M)
全球經濟衰退 2023-2-24 10:18:01 aquaman2又傳出試映表現好差,今年得返flash係期待


Ginlau 2023-2-24 10:28:58 Early Screening都未有,咁快估票房
山無棱 2023-2-24 10:45:05 根據上集票房黎估算掛
山無棱 2023-2-24 10:46:46 好似話播左6次都差
山無棱 2023-2-24 10:51:11 歡迎討論
阿阿阿阿閃 2023-2-24 10:53:56 好似剪過好多個cut都差 James Wan會唔會衰係呢套度
山無棱 2023-2-24 11:13:05 剪咁次都唔掂可能係故事線本身弱

Hamada 話係 brotherhood comedy
兩兄弟夾埋打一個 Black Manta

Black Manta 作為反派第一集個格局太細
Dick_Grayson 2023-2-24 11:28:42 好似話故事大改左幾次 上次試映爛到有人頂唔順走場

原劇本係有個老國王靈魂上左black manta身 想復興佢個古老王國
Ginlau 2023-2-24 11:41:29 https://youtu.be/Fnvk9MNokPw

Test Screening唔好太信
月出驚山鳥 2023-2-24 11:44:29 其實第一集我都覺一般
Forgiveness 2023-2-24 11:53:08 Lady gaga

睇完佢係Gucci 嘅表現


純白鎮小智(神奧) 2023-2-24 13:57:11 https://www.cbr.com/dc-universe-horror-nightmare-event-knights-of-terror/
DC's Universe Transforms Into a Horror Movie Nightmare in New Summer Event Series
The publisher further teased of the event, "Knight Terrors is a miniseries in which Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman find the body of one of their earliest enemies at the Hall of Justice. Their investigation takes them past the land of the living, beyond the land of the dead, into a realm of nightmares. The only way to save the world is to call for the help of an unlikely hero, Deadman."
山無棱 2023-2-24 16:12:12 Black Manta 變左終極工具人
山無棱 2023-2-24 16:29:24 好多條故事線,夠緊湊
山無棱 2023-2-24 16:31:08 唱歌為主 A star is born 可以的