[DC綜合#19] Welcome to James Gunn討論區
Ginlau 2023-2-1 08:14:43 https://comicbook.com/movies/news/the-brave-and-the-bold-dc-studios-teases-bat-family-appearances/

"And this is obviously a feature film, and it's going to feature other members of the extended 'Bat-family', just because we feel like they've been left out of the Batman stories in the theater for far too long," Safran added.

推哂成個Bat Family


身寸周隹 2023-2-1 08:15:21 所有未上映既電影都唔會講recast,驚影響票房,但我覺得都係recast多
Ginlau 2023-2-1 08:20:42 佢可以一個屈尾十話因為Aquaman同Shazam係Canon,所以比Flash reboot埋
身寸周隹 2023-2-1 08:36:01 Gunn: We’ve talked to Gal [Gadot]. She’s up for doing stuff. We’re not sure what we’re going to do with that. All I can tell you really right now is Henry [Cavill] and Ben [Affleck] are not part of this universe.

Jason Momoa going to play Lobo? Gunn: Jason will not play two characters.

Safran: Jason always thought Aquaman was a trilogy, in his own mind. But he also loves Lobo. He’s been very clear about that, too. He’s never going to play two characters, but...

Gunn: We’ll figure it out after Aquaman 2.

邦拿 2023-2-1 08:41:41 唔講咁實驚影響票房啫
史路脾 2023-2-1 08:45:35 Henry
邦拿 2023-2-1 08:47:41 可能佢嘅batman18歲就中出
Damian 十歲佢先28囉
老人K 2023-2-1 08:59:36 中年batman同ben就話有關姐
伊勢新九郎盛時 2023-2-1 09:06:30 居然有Booster Gold
邦拿 2023-2-1 09:09:45 拍咗播埋先講
Dc 嘅計劃呢啲不嬲都係吹咗先
阿阿阿阿閃 2023-2-1 09:10:23 25年先有第一套Superman 其他無影期


伊勢新九郎盛時 2023-2-1 09:12:20 之前吹一堆都冇佢份依家起碼有
邦拿 2023-2-1 09:20:09 未搵導演,得個title,仲未casting
仲要佢呢堆title 全部各自為政,唔似打共同大佬
Ginlau 2023-2-1 09:22:10

Earth one?
全球經濟衰退 2023-2-1 09:50:03

全球經濟衰退 2023-2-1 09:57:04 new 52 batman story其中一個比人詬病既位就係將咁多年bat family既story line壓縮係5年内,dick變nightwing,jason之死,變red hood,tim變red robin,damian做現任robin全部發生係batman出道5年内,搞到好似speedrun咁,唔知啊根會點處理
Damian_W 2023-2-1 10:05:02 set佢25歲出道俾10年佢玩3個Robin
底煙屎派隻八 2023-2-1 10:10:53 期待jame下場仲衰撚過zs
純白鎮小智(神奧) 2023-2-1 10:36:24 New52 amazon

Damian_W 2023-2-1 10:38:38 直接搞Tom King Supergirl呢個又係癲,佢本Supergirl係幾好睇
Damian_W 2023-2-1 10:39:50 會唔會玩玩下變咗 live-action Morrison DCU


澤囝救樂壇 2023-2-1 10:44:12 True Detective咁嘅Lanterns好似好正
東一五九 2023-2-1 10:53:37 Gods and monsters 聽落其實幾吸引
月出驚山鳥 2023-2-1 11:00:04 唔係自己馬房
隨時揾chris pratt做bruce
東一五九 2023-2-1 11:01:29 Chris Pratt好似啱做booster gold多啲