DSE 作文Introduction 求評二
堀宣行 2023-1-29 18:13:01

Have you ever wondered why Asian singers and movie stars are popular in Western countries?Perhaps it is fueled by cultural differences.In recent years, Asia style like Korea is becoming increasingly commonplace.It is not unusual to see people like following stars and buy the star merchandise whom they like. However, other Non-Asian stars' popularity demonstrated a drop in the phenomenon. Therefore, some pointed out that this popular by no means a good culture promotional, which would menace their local culture. Despite of the various polarised comments from the general public, I qualify pointed out that Asian culture will not be bane in the Western countries. This article will illustrate how Asia culture benefits in Western countries from 3 perspectives, including X,Y and Z

能否Lv 2


Karna 2023-1-29 18:19:56 此回覆已被刪除
堀宣行 2023-1-29 18:20:35 咪玩la
日暮 2023-1-29 18:21:40 點解要it is not unusual 兜咁多個圈
支性難改 2023-1-29 18:22:53 應該舉返嘅實例 寫幾個亞洲女明星例子落去就實5 星星 例如河北彩花 三上悠雅 橋本有菜
空調承太郎 2023-1-29 18:24:08 Full stop 後面加space都唔識 食屎啦
兩個人的聖誕 2023-1-29 18:26:03 其實有lv3
做乜鳩啫喱 2023-1-29 18:26:26

爛龜師 2023-1-29 19:51:19 淨係望intro 應該有level 2 或以上 但係feel到好明顯用罐頭句堆砌成個框架出黎 變相句與句之間少少唔自然
比利華山吉娃娃 2023-1-29 22:14:32 100% canned phrases
Paper 2重點係文筆要natural,一睇就知你係死背定有料

利申paper 2 5**
堀宣行 2023-1-29 22:35:25 係canned phrases


你似是陽光空氣 2023-1-29 22:38:29 此回覆已被刪除
CharliePN 2023-1-29 22:41:34 即係文就我哋睇,補習錢就你收?
堀宣行 2023-1-29 23:12:00
專業淒涼師 2023-1-30 09:19:44 係咁用啲背既vocab但granmar錯晒
專業淒涼師 2023-1-30 09:22:44 審題同邏輯都麻麻地
人地問點解Asian stars are gaining popularity
你就話有Non-asian stars都紅 所以asian stars就唔係gaining popularity?

專業淒涼師 2023-1-30 09:24:47 屌 原來我睇錯
堀宣行 2023-1-30 13:21:14 我睇死個細路都係google translate 俾我架la
係咪入錯系?係! 2023-1-30 23:36:52 咁你都係有收錢
賓施馬賽克 2023-2-1 04:23:16 建議現階段唔好背罐頭句式速成啦..
然後再教佢可以怎樣用英文表達,開頭由佢用住clingish 再執返grammar, S-V-O 個啲
pikkkka 2023-2-1 04:46:38


是故君子慎其毒 2023-2-1 13:41:10 幫細妹問
巴打,係咪用natural English 而冇grammatical mistakes 好過上面佢咁寫?
pikkkka 2023-2-1 15:02:35
病去如抽絲 2023-2-1 20:20:39 Thx 巴打
狂風吹塌砂之器 2023-2-8 20:57:06 article要唔要寫voices of two sides