傳ChatGPT威脅 Google 急Call創辦人幫忙
地爆天星 2023-1-25 12:41:17 Alphabet執行長Sundar Pichai宣佈「紅色警戒」,要求加速AI服務及技術的開發,以確保Google對話式AI模型 LaMDA的領先地位,兩位創辦人去年底也回到Google監督AI新服務的推行計畫。

媒體報導,感受到OpenAI 的AI服務的威脅,Google已要求兩位已退位的創辦人Larry Page及Sergey Brin重新協助監督AI計畫。

紐約時報報導,Open AI 去年11月展示對話式AI系統ChatGPT,在Google內部投下震撼彈,Google暨Alphabet執行長Sundar Pichai並宣佈「紅色警戒」,要求加速AI服務及技術的開發,以確保Google對話式AI模型 LaMDA的領先地位。Pichai力邀下,Page及Brin去年底回到Google監督AI新服務的推行計畫。

Page與Brin自2019年從行政職退下後,就把一些Google日常業務管理工作交給Pichai後就鮮少過問。他們主要著重在自己開發新事業推動,例如Page的飛天車公司,如果到Google則多半是討論新創業務(Others Business)。

但消息人士指出,兩人對AI十分有興趣,上個月也已看過Google AI預計在今年5月Google I/O大會上公佈的AI服務。消息人士透露,軟體巨人已經規劃了將近20項AI相關服務,包括建立和編輯圖片的Generation Studio、供用戶體驗AI技術的AI Test Kitchen App第3版、虛擬購物試穿、Youtube綠幕功能、製作Pixel手機桌布、虛擬3D試鞋功能Maya、以AI做影片簡介,還有提供給軟體開發人員和企業AI工具,像是建立圖片的Google Cloud服務、可在瀏覽器環境下製作AI原型的MarkerSuite、以及2款協助撰寫Android手機應用程式的工具,包括Colab + Android Studio及PaLM-Coder 2等。




日光低潛 2023-1-25 12:42:17 以為智能叛變
地爆天星 2023-1-25 12:43:28 有競爭之下,AI只會愈嚟愈勁
非禮莫屬 2023-1-25 12:43:43 可唔可以開放俾香港
一齊攬炒 2023-1-25 12:44:34 又準備可以睇到一個巨人沒落
就好似當年Nokia, Yahoo等等
多得這雨勢 2023-1-25 12:44:59 掉番轉google 封埋其他applications 唔放香港似d
非禮莫屬 2023-1-25 12:46:26
睇完啲介紹我已經覺得我可以借CHAT扮工 EXCEL野幫手set 資料嘢幫我整理
地爆天星 2023-1-25 12:46:47 鄭雁雄:「我哋唔能夠覺得英美嘅利益就唔郁得」
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

物極必反 2023-1-25 12:47:44 今朝先做完嚟幫個仔做功課,只可以講,OPENAI 真係勁到痴晒線。
地爆天星 2023-1-25 12:49:20 不過個人覺得唔可以盡信,都要自己再搵多次,因為有時會錯,但佢會講到好似好啱似層層咁
非禮莫屬 2023-1-25 12:50:40 你用美國電話? 我想搞黎玩下

Btw 你幫仔做咩功課要用到


Lion_King 2023-1-25 12:51:54 剩係作文話以咩咩為題寫800字都可以一秒做完
dill 2023-1-25 12:51:59 我都感受到就快無得撈
求鳩其逗幾皮 2023-1-25 12:52:38 用vpn就用到
毒步天下 2023-1-25 12:53:36 Can’t use wor HK
非禮莫屬 2023-1-25 12:55:21 咁撚癲….
我心諗自己前排喺公司想用excel formula想執啲Data 搞左我成個鐘 如果用到chat我應該一秒做完
吳郭魚的下剋上 2023-1-25 12:55:55 要vpn + 一個佢support 嘅地區一個電話黎註冊
邪惡熨斗 2023-1-25 12:59:06 Tg果個唔係咩
中環賤人 2023-1-25 13:02:54 唔少information上既野google都好難search
一問chatgpt就有, 雖然唔一定準確, 但起碼可以做參考
毒步天下 2023-1-25 13:10:56 Chatgpt
Not tg…
物極必反 2023-1-25 13:14:07 剛剛先又去叫 CHATGPT 作篇文,

問 : write an article of not less than 400 words explaing why ChatGPT is a game changer and a lethal threat to google search engine.

答 :In recent years, artificial intelligence has been catching up to and even surpassing the abilities of humans. One of the main areas where this has been seen is with Google, with its vast and reliable search engine. However, there is now a challenger in the form of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is an innovative chatbot that has been designed to use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning capabilities to understand and respond to user queries. It places an emphasis on understanding conversational context rather than just keywords in order to provide a better answer compared to regular search engines. ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, who are known for their work in developing AI-enabled systems.

The key difference between ChatGPT and regular search engines is the amount of data it can process when responding to a query. Unlike traditional search engines which are limited by the number of indexed webpages they can access, ChatGPT can analyse text from multiple sources for linguistic cues and then generate an accurate response that often exceeds what regular search engines would find on any single source alone. This technology gives users more accurate answers from resources not found by regular search engines, giving them access to more relevant knowledge than what could be produced through manual searching or keyword searches alone.

Another area where ChatGPT outperforms traditional search engines is when answering complex questions that require reasoning or concurrence from multiple sources. With its highly advanced deep learning technologies, ChatGPT can understand query intent and dynamically incorporate additional data into the response very quickly. This enables it to provide more detailed answers than regular search engines ever could before; helping people sort through large amounts of information with ease and accuracy in a way that no other AI-based technology had achieved previously.

Lastly and most importantly, one of ChatGPTs’ features allows users to converse with it through text messages! The possibility of having conversations with AI-based applications greatly enhances user experience— something which will be indispensable as AI becomes increasingly embedded into our everyday lives. As such ChatGPT presents itself as an immediate threat to Google’s dominant position within the industry as people flock towards this new and more efficient way of finding information online without relying solely on Google’s own algorithms anymore.

Given its huge potential for personalizing user experience along with its high levels of accuracy based on incorporating secondary sources into questions - it is clear that ChatGPT poses a major threat not only for major existing search engines but also for newer brands making their mark in AI-driven information retrieval system ecosystems online today!



上帝要你滅亡 2023-1-25 13:14:19
邪惡熨斗 2023-1-25 13:16:52 http://t.me/OpenAIERC_CN

地爆天星 2023-1-25 13:18:24 Chatgpt自己讚自己
尻up消防隊長 2023-1-25 13:18:25