UK 租樓買樓攻略 (5)
印度皇帝 2023-1-31 14:23:56 留名


煩人婆豬狗狗屎 2023-1-31 17:57:42 想問下Canary Wharf啲apartment而家買唔買得過?
Goddamn 2023-1-31 18:23:06 1. 租房或買屋既 budget : 800k-900k
2. prefer 地點 (London, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham...etc) : London 附近1小時生活圈
2. 你需要幾間房 : 4房
3. 你要 apartment (leasehold) 定 house (freehold) (租屋的話可以skip 呢條問題): freehold
4. 番工的話, 你可以承受既commute time 係幾長? (0.5hr , 1hr, 1.5hr) : 希望1個鐘內渣車去到city of london , 但唔會日日去
5. 需唔需要睇校區? 小學定中學? : 小朋友就黎讀小學,但中學應較重要?
6. 你會點排優先 (價錢, 校區, 治安, 交通) : 校區, 治安, 價錢, 交通

之前睇過Watford, St. Albans, Harpenden, 想問下有無差唔多區可選擇?
Watford 好似最岩心水,又可以中學試下考grammar school, 想問埋watford 有無咩特別唔好要注意?
觀自在 2023-1-31 19:23:39 1. 租房或買屋既 budget :
2. prefer 地點 (London, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham...etc) : London 附近1.5小時生活圈 > Bristol > Birmingham > Nottingham
2. 你需要幾間房 :
4. 番工的話, 你可以承受既commute time 係幾長? (0.5hr , 1hr, 1.5hr) :
5. 需唔需要睇校區? 小學定中學? :
6. 你會點排優先 (價錢, 校區, 治安, 交通) :

梁潮偉 2023-1-31 21:27:59
梁潮偉 2023-1-31 21:30:52 out of 我radar, 你俾呢個圖你, 睇下幫唔幫到你手. 綠色代表治安好. 紅色代表差.

梁潮偉 2023-1-31 21:33:03 住嘅話實無問題, 只要買isle of dog 中間或左邊嘅都係治安良好.

不過係要留意, canary wharf 嘅apartment, 由期新個d 個service charge 可以極度貴.
梁潮偉 2023-1-31 21:42:45 watford 係無問題, 另外orpington 都應該會啱budget, 有grammer school 中學, 亦有outstanding 小學.

不過, 你100% sure 你會楂車番工入city of london? 首先係塞爆車, 好多時需時係耐過坐火車. 第2係每日£15 congestion charges 入zone 1. 第3係你一定要租個位係zone 1 拍車, 個度你無£500 一個月落唔到樓.
梁潮偉 2023-1-31 21:50:34 Bristol 唔熟...唔識教你


遲到成為習慣 2023-1-31 21:50:51 5-6k 磅一年都有
SSRI 2023-1-31 22:01:02 Warning: Crime Data Missing
Due to an IT systems problem at Greater Manchester Police, data for crime may be missing for July 2019 onwards. The force are working to rectify this issue. In the meantime, you can check previous months using the dropdown boxes below, which will allow you to judge historical crime levels.

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No Crimes to Report
There were no reported crimes in December 2022 within 1 mile of the centre of Mx xXX. You may use the options above to choose a different month from the list.

好撚正, 樓都租埋過左幾個月都仲係呢句


Goddamn 2023-1-31 22:47:56 唔該晒,其實唔係返工,只係有時可能weekend 入倫敦食下野睇下博物館。呢個都係住近倫敦(1小時車程)最大原因,如果唔係就會揀曼城附近,大部分朋友都係果邊
梁潮偉 2023-1-31 22:50:36 住london 差唔多係要習慣坐公共交通. 因為楂車真係太塞, 由期入city. 第2就係塞左入去, 仲要搵parking 都好頭痛. 你拍得車黎, 可能老鍊咁遠, 咁不如坐火車...

我自己通常係直頭唔會入city, 我情願反方向楂去zone 4/5 外嘅地方shopping
200磅坦克 2023-2-1 08:32:43
呼統 2023-2-1 09:05:21 樓主,#2 好似有少少錯
你果度嘅意思應該係‘State school’,唔係’public school’,’public school’ 泛指Eton 一類好舊歷史嘅「私校」,唔係公營學校/香港嘅官校。英國官校統稱為state school (or state comprehensive),再叻啲嘅官校係grammar school
Eton 呢類以前有錢就讀得,所以叫public school (open to public as long as you’re rich)
而Private school 則係指新式啲嘅私校(無記錯嘅話)

dhkt 2023-2-1 13:38:05
dhkt 2023-2-1 13:52:23
dhkt 2023-2-1 14:10:22 Bristol市中心都夠租一房的

Henleaze, Clifton, Redland 呢啲位多有錢人

中產少少既 suburb 就 Bradley Stoke, Stoke Gifford, Emersons Green 附近嗰啲幾受歡迎,因為比較多屋齡較新既物業

其他可以睇埋Keynsham, Longwell Green, Yate, Thornbury, Nailsea, Portishead
dhkt 2023-2-1 14:44:27 你講嗰堆附近可以睇埋 Hemel Hempstead, Hitchin, Bishop's Stortford, Chelmsford 等

就算嗰區整體治安好,都總有啲盤係位置上 / 小範圍內差啲的。例如 Holywell, Watford 近 Watford Business Park 嗰邊比較多 Council House / Social Housing,雖然治安冇太大問題,但樓價都反映咗嗰邊有部分屋係相對冇咁值錢

Goddamn 2023-2-1 15:03:37 唔該晒!
之前都睇過Bishop's Stortford, 但心水果間中學Bishop's Stortford High School 岩岩搬左新校舍,同佢個catchment 都幾複雜下所以應該唔考慮。
人唔笑狗都吠 2023-2-1 16:58:16


梁潮偉 2023-2-1 17:00:17 你啱, 我下個post 改....希望我記得...離下個1001 仲有一段距離...
梁潮偉 2023-2-1 17:12:55
吸咭已接受 2023-2-1 17:15:43
梁潮偉 2023-2-1 17:24:03 我老闆住Bishop's Stortford. 佢都話係ok 嘅.

唯一問題就係佢話遠d, 如果唔係work from home 多, 佢未必買個度.