『歸家post』BNO VISA 申請資訊 (36) 睇名––1997年7月1日後出世申請BNO VISA
積緊陰德 2023-3-9 11:51:17
收到email話寄返本passport 比我但無email話批左咁姐係點


開苞手傑克 2023-3-9 15:38:30
許蓋功 2023-3-9 15:38:53
關鍵時刻 2023-3-9 16:34:46 唔洗理
摩西斯襪奶茶 2023-3-9 16:53:39
所記 2023-3-9 17:22:43
所記 2023-3-9 17:33:14
膠易廣場 2023-3-9 17:54:55 此回覆已被刪除
膠易廣場 2023-3-9 17:58:37 此回覆已被刪除
所記 2023-3-9 18:02:32
所記 2023-3-9 18:12:58


許蓋功 2023-3-9 18:28:49
摩西斯襪奶茶 2023-3-9 19:22:02
所記 2023-3-9 21:54:10
天道揼柒你 2023-3-9 22:51:43 等批期間收到email

In order to continue with the consideration of your application, we need you to confirm how you would like to proceed with your application:
• Grant entry clearance with a start date on the day that the application is approved
• Withdraw your application
If a response to this request is not received within 14 days, your application will be processed to decision. If the application is successful, the entry clearance start date will be the day that the application is approved.

佢究竟想我upload 咩evidence黎confirm佢

求其打句confirm 然後upload?
所記 2023-3-9 23:04:05
天道揼柒你 2023-3-9 23:05:46
所記 2023-3-9 23:07:18
凝傷戀 2023-3-9 23:58:12 想問旅行申唔申請visa好
膠易廣場 2023-3-10 00:12:32 此回覆已被刪除
凝傷戀 2023-3-10 00:14:15 想當working holiday 咁


膠易廣場 2023-3-10 00:40:11 此回覆已被刪除
摩西斯襪奶茶 2023-3-10 03:03:19
東東不敗 2023-3-10 04:59:38
黑狗當災死全家 2023-3-10 05:06:41