[Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(91) 無嘢好傾
四架坦克 2023-1-8 19:42:07 之後都傳過幾次,甚至話係12" MBP用M2 Max之類
不過最新rumors似乎講15" Air會行先


四架坦克 2023-1-8 19:42:57 我無遇過呢個問題;你地已經上咗Ventura? (我全部Mac留緊響Monterey)
來棲曉 2023-1-8 21:03:29 語音輸入其實有冇得講某句中文可以直接「刪前面嗰個字」、「SPACE一個字位」?
ilycc 2023-1-8 23:37:55 咁要搵2手玩啦
我係香港人呀D 2023-1-9 06:04:40 14plus出完冇人要
添曲宜家樣樣野想出其他size 都要小心啲玩
69無常 2023-1-9 07:28:27 但online你點用$3000
四架坦克 2023-1-9 13:56:24 好似得T&G一條路?
企(戒課) 2023-1-9 14:18:56 入左refub based 14 pro聽日到

對上部2013 11吋air仲行得走得 mac機可以用10年真係好癲
69無常 2023-1-9 14:25:11 tap & go 你唔夠買部機
天河分工 2023-1-9 15:18:41 買左部macbook pro 16 2021
淨係攞黎上網 youtube netflix係咪好on9

macbook pro 16 2021 聲畫係最靚
四架坦克 2023-1-9 15:22:49 大把15"/16"MBP用家係咁
根本唔需要CPU GPU力,只係想要macOS+大mon,近年仲可以加埋好聲speaker (laptop嚟計)
Apple打算出15" Air就係想再食盡d呢個位,有老花中老坑行政人員或者睇片撚


四架坦克 2023-1-9 15:24:15 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-01-08/when-will-apple-launch-the-reality-pro-mixed-reality-headset-apple-2023-devices-lcnfzkc7
If there’s any major saving grace for the Mac lineup in 2023, it’s a planned 15-inch MacBook Air. A new 12-inch MacBook is no longer on Apple’s near-term road map however.
GNGW4 2023-1-9 15:30:14 如果仲有人要FF有12吋MacBook Air
ilycc 2023-1-9 15:48:37 明明M1/2配macbook 12好fit㗎嘛
四架坦克 2023-1-9 15:54:02 其實吹到咁多次風出嚟我諗肯定已經有prototype甚至pre-production units
我估M2 MBA已經係最細可行chassis
而因為唔似當年2015 12",M2 Air已經係fanless,所以市場角度Apple可能覺得真係唔值得做,尤其係見到iPhone mini慘淡退場
四架坦克 2023-1-9 16:05:33 上面Gurman仲有提Mac Pro:
A high-end configuration of the Mac Pro, a model with 48 CPU cores and 152 graphics cores, has been canceled. Instead, Apple plans to release a version with the M2 Ultra, making it unclear — beyond the machine’s expandability — why most users would buy it over the cheaper and smaller Mac Studio. In another disappointment, the new Mac Pro will look identical to the 2019 model. It will also lack one key feature from the Intel version: user-upgradeable RAM. That’s because the memory is tied directly to the M2 Ultra’s motherboard. Still, there are two SSD storage slots and for graphics, media and networking cards.

Mac Pro只會出M2 Ultra版 (兩粒M2 Max,而四粒M2 Max嘅M2 Extreme已cancel)
同2019 Intel版一樣機箱,姐係應該有六條PCIe slot以上兼容MPX modules
唯一一樣野叫突破係Apple Silicon終於可以插GPU (Thunderbolt eGPU從來未支援/無driver)
成件事真係有少少雞鳩肋,我用開Mac Studio都好想有PCIe slot去插吓SFP+卡同capture卡之類,或者起碼唔駛俾Thunderbolt限bandwidth就可以插夠四條NVMe SSD RAID0起佢
天河分工 2023-1-9 17:01:01 其實我連macos都唔需要 我自己鐘意window多d
但係mbp 16 個moon同喇叭真係愛不釋手
3HongKong 2023-1-9 17:12:31 真係有15" air 都幾fit 我要求.
Name醬的剎那! 2023-1-9 18:11:14
浮生若夢_ 2023-1-9 23:30:43
浮生若夢_ 2023-1-9 23:31:29


又係你條撚樣 2023-1-10 00:28:27
四架坦克 2023-1-10 00:35:48 唔怕重買14" M1 Pro袋底翻新機囉,皮四之內,唔需要理touch bar
邊方明 2023-1-10 00:37:35 上咗

但iOS, macOS 太多update 我都唔記得邊一版開始佢識自動喺設備中切換
四架坦克 2023-1-10 00:45:10 咁去System Preferences / Settings > Bluetooth,AirPods連緊情況下Options會出現
嗰版入面會有一項Connect to this Mac: Auto / When last connected to this Mac