[親生仔] Google Pixel 討論區 (95) 7 Pro, 7, Watch || Tab, 7a, Fold
EveHope 2023-1-13 12:35:46 3台 法馬 最新個beta先正常


死者 2023-1-13 12:50:27 屌那星部7收wifi成日少過6一格
黑臉疲勞(弔暴) 2023-1-13 17:52:16

貓靈 2023-1-14 08:16:22 好似話係極端凍嘅天氣先會爆
蒙奇J路飛 2023-1-14 09:30:20 想入手部p7p, 但有d問題想問

1. 馬會app係咪仲未用到?
2. 點分個app用32定64bit?因為驚用唔到公司app
3. Root左裝ota係咪要經駁pc先得?
4. root左銀行app仲用唔用到指紋login?

求解 感謝
蕉直相對 2023-1-14 09:40:22
裝唔到咪即係32 bit

蒙奇J路飛 2023-1-14 09:42:19 thx 巴
大雄殿小智將 2023-1-14 10:14:35 1. 出咗2.2版都仲未裝到
丹野里做 2023-1-14 12:49:46 如果係美國倉,直接申報係電話,有電池,買唔買保險隨你
C.馬撚 2023-1-14 14:08:54 香港3G network慢慢convert緊做5G
leezy 2023-1-15 00:10:13 ringke開始黃 仲有冇case好用


3年cd-rom 2023-1-15 16:57:31 屌你人哋諗住買驚裝唔到
殺殺殺(牛熊) 2023-1-15 18:47:29
https://a.co/d/1H39iSs 有冇人用過呢隻mon貼,用緊犀牛軟貼但花曬想換
喃經大菩薩 2023-1-15 21:12:23 心思思想轉會P7P,不過CMHK 係唔係唔駛諗住打到電話?
leezy 2023-1-15 22:26:31 呢隻得
Kahdgheuwio 2023-1-15 23:19:45 日版 台版 美版 其實有咩分別

殺殺殺(牛熊) 2023-1-15 23:30:57 日版影相有聲, 台美唔知有冇分別
動物芝心 2023-1-15 23:31:03 唔好日版就冇問題
萊斯子 2023-1-16 01:05:36
Pixel首席打手HK 2023-1-16 01:47:34 唔係呢個啦
啱嗰個要sideload apk


萊斯子 2023-1-16 01:49:45 今日先買watch 5 sideload左health monitor 先可以用


Jill老公 2023-1-16 01:55:02 lm
賓尼兔愛潛水 2023-1-16 07:56:05 此回覆已被刪除
white44water 2023-1-16 10:08:03 見到有人試用這個方法用到pixel watch 既lte

Hello! I live in Sweden and i got LTE working on the Pixel Watch. I am using the carrier Telenor.
Ordered a esim from a supported carrier/country. (Vodafone De Pay as you go free esim)
Activated the eSim, and restarted my phone making sure I had connection with the supported carrier.
Launched the Pixel Watch App in my phone.
Went into the eSim/Carrier section and clicked on setting up the connection with the supported carrier.
Changed to the phone settings, and deactivated the temporary eSim and activated my primary eSim
Switched back to the Pixel Watch App, with the request to scan a QR code still active.
Scanned the QR-kod I got for smartwatch at Telenor SE
愛護舒寶 2023-1-16 12:52:57 有冇人tg 會彈app