吉野家大戰 2023-1-5 14:38:46 日本跪係因為再封支多啲


龍俊亨 2023-1-5 14:41:44 我都諗住退左佢再買過張
醉愛連豬 2023-1-5 14:44:52 買HX?
Oi!CUNT! 2023-1-5 15:34:48

Oi!CUNT! 2023-1-5 15:36:09 cebu?
法鬥豬仔 2023-1-5 15:46:57 哈 轉哂plan買咗第二間airline飛去就彈出彈入 真係玩死人
滅共歸英除公安 2023-1-5 16:35:21 點解毋須提交外遊紀錄申報表?

(於出發前7日內曾在中國內地逗留的旅客亦可承搭前往福岡及沖繩的航班,該航班的旅客亦毋須向HK Express提交外遊紀錄申報表。)
平心靜氣 2023-1-6 05:03:24 似乎日本個邊改做法
雨雲同行 2023-1-12 14:41:03 有冇人個退款係已經Approve咗?
反fred大將軍 2023-1-12 15:38:19
Rendezvous 2023-1-12 16:29:27


掃地僧 2023-1-12 16:36:53
吳若希 2023-1-12 22:21:39 今日check退番落credit card 了
滅共歸英除公安 2023-1-15 22:47:06 仲未收到EMAIL 改完未

GiantDog 2023-1-16 10:56:24 2月既schedule 幾時先有
我愛自己 2023-1-16 11:00:44 4月中有冇
Mata8 2023-1-16 11:30:54
大雄殿小智將 2023-1-16 14:39:04 鑑於日本當局限制航空公司營運由香港特區飛前日本之航班班次,HK Express將會取消部分於2023年2月1日至16日來往日本的航班。詳情請參閱以下網站:

直接透過HK Express預訂航班而受影響的旅客將會收到通知並可獲提供相關安排選擇。旅客現階段毋須與我們的客戶聯繫團隊查詢。


Due to the limitations imposed by the Japanese Government on the number of flights each carrier could operate from Hong Kong SAR to Japan, HK Express will cancel certain flights between Hong Kong and Japan from 1 to 16 February 2023. For details, please click here:

Affected passengers who booked directly with HK Express will receive notifications in the coming days with options available. There is no need for passengers to contact us via our Customer Connect Team.

We will continue to work hard to maintain our schedule as much as possible to minimise the impact to our customers. We would like to thank our customers for their patience and understanding.
一黨(铁)獨大 2023-1-16 14:45:32 UO基本?

鑑於日本當局限制航空公司營運由香港特區飛前日本之航班班次,HK Express將會取消部分於2023年2月1日至16日來往日本的航班。詳情請參閱以下網站:

直接透過HK Express預訂航班而受影響的旅客將會收到通知並可獲提供相關安排選擇。旅客現階段毋須與我們的客戶聯繫團隊查詢。


Due to the limitations imposed by the Japanese Government on the number of flights each carrier could operate from Hong Kong SAR to Japan, HK Express will cancel certain flights between Hong Kong and Japan from 1 to 16 February 2023. For details, please click here:

Affected passengers who booked directly with HK Express will receive notifications in the coming days with options available. There is no need for passengers to contact us via our Customer Connect Team.

We will continue to work hard to maintain our schedule as much as possible to minimise the impact to our customers. We would like to thank our customers for their patience and understanding.
GiantDog 2023-1-16 15:26:57 想問福岡2月頭無事?
迪奧指揮官 2023-1-16 15:29:27


離能晒罩 2023-1-16 15:32:29 搞乜
伏見見伏 2023-1-16 15:33:26 頂佢,搞到未公怖飛唔飛到就驚定先😖😖,真係一日未到出發日,就真係唔知出唔出到發
ThomasLemar 2023-1-16 15:37:22 月尾少驚
目黑的摩斯漢堡店 2023-1-16 15:55:38 點解其他航空公司都唔見有cut
得UO cut
