Devin_Booker 2023-1-2 07:25:32 brampton


高山低谷行 2023-1-2 07:41:10 Markham都好多印仔
CNTower 2023-1-2 08:08:25 有見過港人娶印妹, 不過係南美洲嚟既。 印度嚟既就未見過。
費事攪到Honour Killing啦
全職加速師 2023-1-2 08:13:08 有冇師兄試過係多倫多學基礎水電,想趁得閑啲學下啲技能
我不是唐紫睿 2023-1-2 08:20:57 Middlefield, Cornell同Boxgrove多
我不是唐紫睿 2023-1-2 08:21:43 考到水電牌人工高好多
CNTower 2023-1-2 09:18:27 https://www.skilledtradesontario.ca/trade-information/plumber/

If you have completed an Ontario apprenticeship program in a trade that has a certifying exam, your next step is to write that exam to obtain a Certificate of Qualification.

When you are issued a Certificate of Apprenticeship by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, Skilled Trades Ontario will automatically issue you a 12-month Provisional Certificate of Qualification.

In a compulsory trade, this Provisional Certificate of Qualification allows you to continue working legally in the trade for up to 12 months while you work to pass the certifying exam and your information will continue to appear on the Public Register.
MichealScott 2023-1-2 09:34:13
LordYMSM 2023-1-2 09:36:26 上個 post 見到有人煮食好好心機,有冇女仔咁好心機煮食?我有間大屋,都係一個人煮食,不如幫我煮埋?男人不了,兩男一屋太怪。
你老豆老母大減價 2023-1-2 09:40:58 隻隻字都明 加埋一齊就唔明
辣椒釀龜頭 2023-1-2 09:49:22 「有樓,想溝會煮嘢食嘅絲打,非gay」


唔想屙屎 2023-1-2 10:00:56 簡而精
米咪瞇銤 2023-1-2 10:08:14 華生
廢老開心果 2023-1-2 10:25:21 有樓都未有囡,橙
是旦啦吊(A0) 2023-1-2 10:28:26

我不是唐紫睿 2023-1-2 10:30:00 唔出奇
便衣警(爆缸) 2023-1-2 10:31:26 巴打大學係咪主修翻譯
廢老開心果 2023-1-2 10:32:44 客觀歸納再歸納姐


辣椒釀龜頭 2023-1-2 10:33:08
便衣警(爆缸) 2023-1-2 10:35:52 我之前都係係downtown踩單車返工

磨牙 2023-1-2 10:47:36 此回覆已被刪除


笹崎麻美我老婆 2023-1-2 11:03:20 一個人買到樓,好叻
elon.musk. 2023-1-2 11:11:13 可能十幾年前
我不是唐紫睿 2023-1-2 11:12:09
我不是唐紫睿 2023-1-2 11:12:31 5年前入市