吊理滷未 2022-12-29 07:31:11 要俾智商稅 專收你呢啲人士


綠帽鹿角 2022-12-29 07:31:41 唔覺架 一樣咁撚黑暗
尤其陰天 所謂日出都仲係好暗 9點先叫做夠光 然後全日都係半光半暗咁
CNTower 2022-12-29 07:34:08 屋企人過錢比你洗----------------not taxable, but keep all records and documents. Bank have to report transfer over $10,000. But not to worry if no illegal activities involved.


Receiving electronic transfers
If you receive an incoming electronic transfer of CA$10,000 or more, it will be reported to FINTRAC and the Canadian tax authorities. In this case, it’s the duty of the service provider - your bank or 3rd party provider for example - to complete all reporting requirements.

It’s worth noting that reporting is mandatory for individual payments of $10,000 or more, or if there are several payments which add up to $10,000 or more made in quick succession. This is to stop people from trying to circumvent the rules by making multiple smaller transfers, which add up to over $10,000.⁽²⁾
高山低谷行 2022-12-29 07:36:50 Thanks Uncle,因為好驚因為老人家過左幾千蚊hkd比我,就要比人收稅
高山低谷行 2022-12-29 07:37:10 But what document should I keep?
CNTower 2022-12-29 07:37:30 有次食晏閃上去Signal Hill 望落大西洋同Harbour, 又幾靚嘅。
CNTower 2022-12-29 07:38:35 keep all records for seven/eight years
CNTower 2022-12-29 07:39:21 transfer records, emails from relatives, deposits to account
高山低谷行 2022-12-29 07:41:00 可唔可以問下點解唔當收入?我以為稅局睇呢d好嚴
張家漢 2022-12-29 07:45:10 又錯唔晒,最遲日出喺一月中旬,就算過咗冬至朝早都會越嚟越黑,不過日落時間相應都會越嚟越遲。
史派克 2022-12-29 08:01:10 原來溫哥華po今日先開到2


綠帽鹿角 2022-12-29 08:06:52 忙緊善後?
里程悲 2022-12-29 08:16:42 買CPO 係咪會穩陣d無咁伏?
夏冬 2022-12-29 08:20:48 用車行個名賣有d 保障同埋有保養咁囉

笹崎麻美我老婆 2022-12-29 08:45:14 不過貴到好似新車既
便衣警(爆缸) 2022-12-29 08:53:33
綠帽鹿角 2022-12-29 09:14:40
CNTower 2022-12-29 09:20:22 https://accufile.ca/library/is-a-gift-of-money-taxable-in-canada
September 09, 2021 by admin 0
Many Tax filers in Canada are always questioning whether gifts such as money to and from family is taxable in Canada. If you have received money from a friend, and or relative what are the tax laws in Canada behind this? This also works the other way if you have given your children a large sum of money is that considered taxable for them? Our article below will cover everything about is a gift of money taxable in Canada?

Is a Gift of Money Taxable in Canada?
The answer to this question up front is no. The Canada Revenue Agency has no "gift tax" in Canada so if you have given or received money from someone there is no tax to be paid on this amount. In addition, there is also no deductible if you are trying to expense what was given to your family and or friend. The question as to whether or not these type of funds are taxable is very confusing as the IRS in the USA does charge on these monies. So conflicting information is easily heard as we share the same media and information with our friends across the border. So the basic answer for money received or given is that it is not taxable. As long as there was no product and or service exchanged between both parties.


The types of income listed fall into four main groups:

general income, including income from employment, pensions and other social benefits, interest, etc.
income from dividends paid to company shareholders (Dividend income receives a special deduction that can reduce the rate of taxation. However, the effect of the deduction varies.)
income you make by selling shares or other property, which are taxed on only half the profit made on the sale (except your home, which is exempt from tax when it is your principal residence)
income from insurance, gaming and gifts, which are generally tax-free (except gifts from your employer, and some gifts of capital, such as company shares—if the gift produces income, then the income is usually taxed).
磨牙 2022-12-29 09:21:40 此回覆已被刪除
不傷心的魚 2022-12-29 09:23:10
里程悲 2022-12-29 09:24:29 我睇18, 19年款

新牌仔好似比貴少少好過整到傻 蝕錢蝕時間


CNTower 2022-12-29 09:28:43 我淨係去過super market.啲嘢貴兩成度。 我無出過街食嘢。 全部自己喺酒店煮仲帶埋午餐。連shopping mall/plaza 都無去過。
綠帽鹿角 2022-12-29 09:32:35 Uncle出差有冇去過嗰啲Territories?
我只係網上睇見啲物價 貴到差啲懷疑唔係加紙
CNTower 2022-12-29 09:37:18 最北去過REDLAKE, ONTARIO。 半夜釣魚見到北極光。
NWT 未去過。
我唔識撚貓 2022-12-29 09:38:22 有d係amount